
photo friday: struts

strutsLet's see... highlights from today... or this week in general...
  • Sugarmonkey did that "earworm" thing to me again... made a suggestion or a comment or some such that then burrowed into my brain... so now I own Lily Allen's first album... and Josh Pyke's too, but that was all me...
  • Earlier this week I spent over $300 on Adelaide Cabaret Festival tickets... it wasn't intentional, I'd picked out shows, but never did the sums... but that's for both Ma and me, so she'll drop me some cash for her share... but still!
  • Unintentionally exposed underwear never gets old...
  • My iPhone was acting up earlier... actually it's been a little bitch all day... but it seems okay right now... maybe it just needed some new music...
  • The fact that walking past a really beautiful guy still causes me to do the "deep exhale" thing kind of amuses me...
  • I'm severely addicted to fresh basil, cherry tomatoes, haloumi, baby bocconcini and prosciutto... yet am still unable to spell the last three correctly...
  • Could it rain now please? Big fat noisy rain...
  • I realised yesterday that because of Grindr, I've had sex with more guys under the age of 25 this year than I have in possibly the last 5 years. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... although it's fun while it lasts...
  • Also, when did 19 year olds get so damn hairy...
  • People who stroll in the city during the day should be shot in the back of the head and then moved out of the way... starting with The Pram Mafia...
  • If you're going to send information out to writers, make sure you spell check and proofread it first...
  • Additionally, if you're supposed to be highly focused on the web and innovation and new media tools and the like, please learn the difference between "Reply" and "Reply All"... the rest of us have no need to listen to your minutia...
  • Tomorrow is shaping up to be somewhat "craftcentric"...
  • And somehow while I know that this is obviously full sized stuff, my brain just rebels and sees it all as little dinky toys...

Current Mood:


James said...

Grindr? It's because they understand how to use it on iphones. If you want to meet older blokes, keep an ear out for Nokia with the original ring tone. :)

Tom said...

Unintentionally exposed underwear never gets old...
- Most of them do it deliberately I reckon!

I'm severely addicted to fresh basil, cherry tomatoes, haloumi, baby bocconcini and prosciutto... yet am still unable to spell the last three correctly...
- Those are all OK - did you spell check?

Could it rain now please? Big fat noisy rain...
- Yes please. But at night, with bright sunny 20C 30% humidity days!

Also, when did 19 year olds get so damn hairy...
- Probably 3 years ago when they finished going through puberty. #CradleSnatcher ;-)

People who stroll in the city during the day should be shot in the back of the head and then moved out of the way... starting with The Pram Mafia...
- Also applies to the "Stop just outside/inside the door" and "Stop at the top/bottom of the escalator" crowds too.

Have a crafty weekend! :-)

yani said...

James: Who said I was looking for old blokes :P

Tom: Underwear... yeah, I think you could be right! Guy at lunch today who's pants were only being held up by his bulge...

Spelling... Google is my friend...

Rain... agreed!

Hairy 19yos... I meant very very hairy, not normally hairy... :P

People who stop... seconded!