
scarily accurate

dilbertThis Dilbert cartoon is scarily accurate to how I feel about my job some of the time...

Although today I had the added bonus of having to go through three different systems checking and updating email addresses/logins...

It was a very long day...

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you've seen it but:


(I'm going to find The Oatmeal and marry him.)

I'm considering going to a friend of ours in the States and saying "Please. $50 and I will redesign your whole website." It's ridiculously unusable. Guh. It's not the 90s anymore; no excuse.

yani said...

I hadn't seen that... but yeah, it sums up a recent experience (or parts thereof anyway)...

I also find http://clientsfromhell.tumblr.com/ to be both accurate and disturbing...