Now... what did I do today...
- I discovered an interesting way to watch the #60MMO thread develop on Twitter... that is if it didn't make my computer a touch on the laggy side...
- I spent far too much of the day essentially on my own...
- I had a conversation with someone at my desk, and then they called me when they got back to their desk and we essentially had the exact same conversation over again...
- I discovered that I'm going to have the opportunity this weekend to get my hands on a cross-stitch pattern that says "I (anatomical heart) zombies"...
- I played "Words With Friends" (ie Fake Scrabble) on my iPhone with a total stranger (game still in progress)...
- I alternatively forgot and was slightly self-conscious about the giant hickey on my neck... and marvelled that on the same night I arrange a Gentleman Caller, a former Gentleman Caller just dropped around unannounced...
- I realised that I started reading Penny Arcade because it was cute and fun and had a bunch of nerdy jokes that I got and even more nerdy jokes that went screaming over my head... but once I started watching the PATV series, it became clear that Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik are two exceptional human beings...
- I read up on "social network theory"...
- I cooked something for dinner that involved finishing off with cream... don't know if I've ever actually done that before...
- I'm halfway between wishing Lost would finish and not wanting it to end... and Hurley episodes ALWAYS make me cry...

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