
a very crafty saturday

i [anatomically correct heart] zombiesThat's the image over there is how today ended... but it's been a very long and very crafty day... so let me rewind...

*blhpblhpblphblphblph* (that was the rewind noise...)

Today started out the same as always... well, other than me waking up and realising I had a short period of time to do all the things I wanted to do, which resulted in me not quite being ready by the time Ma got here...

Although there's nothing quite like waking up at your regularly scheduled work time, then realising you can happily go back to sleep for another hour or so...

I also had a mental breakdown about what to wear... Ma showed up looking quite snappy in a shirt and vest combo, so everything I'd considered wearing felt very schlubby... so in the end I went with my epaulette shirt... which trigger a desire for more of the same...

Anyway, same as always... Supermarket Safari... And I knew that I hadn't made a shopping list on my iPhone, so I didn't bother digging it out of my pocket... which was good, because I'd left it on the dresser in my bedroom. Of course as soon as I realised that I didn't have it I started to miss it... stupid really.

Once we were done with the shopping we wandered into Target, mostly just so I could look at clothes and then be disappointed that they didn't have what I wanted. Except they did... they had a bunch of different designs similar to the epaulette shirt I was wearing (with those little tabs that you use to hold the rolled up sleeves in), plus it was "Buy two things get the second thing half price"... so I ended up with a purple stripe shirt, a blue "Brokeback check" shirt and a grey one that doesn't really have a stripe. And a pair of "straight leg" jeans... and saved a bunch of money because of the way the girly put them through the checkout... and got to keep the coathangers because the girly was a bit docile.

Bargains all around!

Then we headed down to Norwood for the Magnolia Square Market... fairly chi-chi... although a number of the stalls there we'd seen at Bowerbird. The crowd however, was periodically obnoxious... normally at a place like that you have a natural flow to the crowd and people will slide to one side and be aware of other people and whatnot. Not this crowd... they all thought they were fucking Christopher Columbus discovering the new world or something... once they'd staked out a space they didn't want to move. Either that or they stood in the middle of the aisles having a conversation or just generally got right up my nose.

People... can't live with em... can't take them all out at once with an automatic weapon...

Anyway, we looked around, got an average cupcake from the cupcake stall, poked around various stalls a second time, but the only place we actually bought anything from was Type Key... actually I got two things... I was undecided between two pendants, one was a cog from inside a typewriter, nice and chunky and industrial... and other was a set of typewriter hammers, the bit with the letters that actually hits the paper. So when Ma said she liked the hammer one, I got them both... the hammers for Ma for Mother's Day (even though she really doesn't do Mother's Day), and the cog for me.

Next we headed into the city to do some wandering around before it was time to head off to the Format Gallery. So there was the required looking at DVDs (but even with JB's 20% off everything sale there still wasn't anything I was compelled to buy), consumption of Bubble Tea (note to self: don't get flavours that are the same colour, especially if you don't trust the girl making them to get them right) and looking at new stores in the Myer Centre.

Then, after much difficulty in finding a decent carpark (although we did manage it eventually), we headed off to the Radical Crafternoon #4 - Stitch Bitch at the Format Gallery...

I swear... I'm becoming addicted to that place...

Anyway, I'm sure you lose some coolness points turning up to something like this with your Mum... but I didn't feel so bad since there were two other woman of around the same vintage, although I think one of them was the mum of the girl who organised it.

It was a fun afternoon though... we didn't overly talk to anybody, but I don't really have a problem with that... other people who came together kind of stuck together, and a bunch of them did seem to know each other.

Although as Ma said afterwards, it was good to see that somebody is keeping it (cross-stitch particularly, but just that kind of craft in general) alive... but it was also interesting to hang out and watch a large number of uni students being uni students... *shakes head indulgently*

There were also more guys there than I'd expected... and only two of them were DEFINITELY gay... but then a couple of them were also just there to talk shit with the girls who were there... one of whom seemed to be doing everything known to man to show off the top of his bright blue underwear....

But it was fun... I got a big chunk of the way through my anatomically correct heart, even if I did screw up the placement of one bit and had to improvise around it a bit. I wouldn't mind doing it again anyway on grey fabric. It would also be easy to change the text to just about anything... although I like the idea of keeping the zombie bit... "zombie unicorns" did keep rolling around my head a bit... I blame @hexsteph!

The only real downside was the seating... I didn't snag one of the big plus comfy chairs, instead I ended up sitting on the improvised tyre seating they have... which may mean I get up all stiff and achey tomorrow...

But we stuck around until just before our car park ran out at 5:30 (and they were finishing up at 6 anyway). I'd definitely go to another one though...

So a very different, but entertaining Saturday...

Current Mood:

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