
other people are shopping crazy

the shopping rainbow*looks around for somebody to slap*... Everybody lost their damn shopping minds today...

That's not to say that we didn't manage to get some useful shopping done, it's just that I wanted to start screaming at people to look where they were going, walk faster and generally get out of my way.

This morning's Supermarket Safari was okay, mostly because it was so early, and interestingly I got hardly anything (at least compared with last weekend)... but then I'm not going to be home this week, and that makes a difference.

So we finished there, brought everything back to my place, unpacked and headed pretty much straight back out again... destination Ikea...

To be honest, I wasn't overly bothered about going, but Ma seemed to have gotten it into her head that that's where we were going (we did mention it at one point I think), so off to Ikea we went.

And I think that's the first time I've ever been in Ikea and heard customers speaking in Swedish... or at least I assumed it was Swedish... could have been an number of those "smaller European country" languages and I wouldn't have been any the wiser.

I don't quite know why, but Ma finally caved in and bought the kitchen workbench thing she's been eyeing off since Ikea first opened (actually, it might have been the baby brother of the one she originally eyed off). Now all I need to do is talk her into a new dining room table and chairs...

And as usual, we picked up a bunch of random stuff that I don't quite know that we needed, and I caved in and bought the blue version of the green spiral bedding I'm very fond of... and then Ma bought me the black and white version and is putting it away for my birthday.

So I now officially have about six different sets of bedding... although a couple of them will probably be retired to make room for the new ones.

I also picked up this cute little plush rabbit to go with the copy of The Velveteen Rabbit I have stashed in my drawer at work as the maternity leave gift for the pregnant member of our team. Must remember to tell La Ninj on Monday... and work out whether to sneak the rabbit to work, or bring the book home...

Anyway, after we'd wandered through the store, picking up random bits of stuff on the way, we went and got the bigass box containing the workbench... then I stood around with the box and the trolley (and played with Twitter on my iPhone, like I did on and off all day) while she went and got the car.

It did mean that the car was now essentially full of Ikea box, but we soldiered on, and went off to Marion... by which point it was around 1pm...

Everybody at Marion had really, really lost their damn minds too... which was mostly proved by the fact that we went around and around and around and around and around and around looking for a carpark... and every time a car came out, there were three cars lined up waiting for the space. Eventually we gave up on trying to park undercover and went upstairs, thinking that might have been better... but no, not really. Eventually we did find something though, even if Ma did appear to be trying to mow down the woman in question at one point and everybody else wouldn't get out of the way so the woman could pull out of the carpark. Grrrrr!

And then everybody was just taking up space... once we got inside I mean. I know the shops were shut yesterday, and a lot of people are probably going back to work on Monday, but for fuck's sake... GO AWAY!

I also blow a resounding raspberry in David Jones general direction... they still haven't discounted any of their Christmas decoration stock. So that's twice now we haven't bought things... their loss!

We didn't end up buying an awful lot to be honest... I used the ABC voucher I got from (my non-attendance at) Second Christmas on a season of Grand Designs and one of last year's Doctor Who specials (okay, technically I used the voucher and $20 of my own money... but that's $70 value for $20), Ma bought a few bits and pieces, but overall I think we spent more time dodging and weaving around stupid people than we did doing real live shopping.

Even so we managed to kill a fair amount of time just wandering around, and we didn't end up leaving until nearly 4pm....

And then we stopped off at The Christmas Shop on the way home... and annnoyingly they didn't have any airconditioning on in the second and third rooms... maybe they don't get many customers in early January so they turn off the air to save money.

I didn't get anything... I'm pretty sure I cleaned them out of toy soldiers before Christmas...

So that was about it... we trundled on back to my place, Ma played her usual game of Queen of Tetris to make everything that needed to fit into the back of the car actually fit (although it's much easier then the two back seats are down already), and we called it a day.

Damnit... I got back to work on Monday... stupid week off being too hot and going too quickly...

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