
my mother is a teddy bear serial killer

My mother is a psychopath...

Or sociopath... or whatever we're calling it these days.

She has had way too much fun (way more than $6 worth in fact) with the Target teddies we bought yesterday...

At random times over the past two days I've gotten random picture messages from her which display something of a serial killer vibe towards the teddies...

The comments in italics are the messages she sent me along with the photos...

It all started so well...

buckle up teddiesAll safely buckled up for the ride home...

permanent press"When she said did I want to come home with her, she never mentioned the ironing!"

he'll never be able to get anything out of there with those little tiny arms"Or the washing"

So just some harmless teddy slavery so far...

up the wooden hill..."Or that we get sent to bed early."

And then it all got a little weird...

held captive"Well we made it upstairs but now we're worried. Found some friends but one chick called Mama has '1994' tattoo on her foot and says she has not left the room for about 14yrs. And Blue as we call him is in bad shape."

So, teddies being held prisoner in the spare room... okaaaaay...

This shot just isn't right either...

escape attempt"Oh oh... She's got Number 1, we tried to get away but it didn't end well. Number 2 fell off the ledge and she caught us."

the laura palmer trio"The Laura Palmer Trio"

Somehow I expected there to be another shot of one of the teddies strapped down to a table with gaffer tape and surrounded by rusty surgical instruments...

Obviously weirdness is genetic...

Current Mood:

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