Everything started off reasonably normally, except for the fact that Ma and I took separate cars down for the second week in a row (and next week will make three weeks in a row), since she was headed straight off from the supermarket to go and get her hair did.
That and the fact that I forgot my wallet and my belt and my car stereo fascia first thing this morning... I was doing real well there...
And I think I've mentioned before that I don't like Stocktaking Days at the supermarket... it's that combination of the aisles being full of people/staff who, no matter how they arrange themselves, always end up being right in the spot that you want to get to and feeling like you're being watched and not wanting to take anything off the shelves because it will mess up their count.
Add to that the combination of unattractive folks with the odd shining gem of manly hotness, and lots of straight teenage boys who can't coordinate appropriate socks with a pair of black pants and black shoes (seriously... they're either white, or they're those supershort ankle socks... bad, bad, bad).
I did have a bonding moment with the Checkout Chick over the "Create-A-Jelly"... gave her advice on some of my experiments.
Then, once we'd gone across the road for the Farmers Union Iced Coffee run, we did a quick whip around Red Circle... and discovered they were selling off their Christmas bears (not sure if they ever had a name) for $2 a piece... and there were three of them. So they got adopted... not entirely sure what's going to happen to them though... but Ma's having too much fun with them at present (and trust me, there were more shots this afternoon, obviously spending most of the day on her own warped her brain... she had a bear helping with the ironing, looking in the washing machine, and all three being "sent up to bed early" on her stairs... she so scary)...
It was a little freaky though carrying the bears from the store to the car, with all of them facing me and staring at me as they bounced up and down while I walked... something unsettling there. I'm just glad they're not living in my house, I don't wanna wake up in the middle of the night and find the bears all standing at the end of my bed staring at me...
Anyway, once Ma had strapped the triplets safely into the back seat of her car, she tootled on down the road, and I came back home, unpacked and wondered what the hell I was going to do with my day.
The short answer is... not much, but I spent a long time doing it.
First stop was town to pick up a present... and to wrangle with stupid sizing scale for clothes that really should be simple.
Then I headed down to Marion and took a slight detour to Slick Willy's new house (not only new to him, but completely new... and much more complicated to get to than his old place)... although it was a visit that did not go according to plan... personally I think he had worked himself up too much and there was also something I said, but m'eh, whatever.
And then there was Marion... which essentially entailed me wandering around and around and around and around... I really could have just done one lap and gone home, I bought the only thing I came away with on the first lap, and had some lunch at the end of it... plus my feet were killing me... but no... I kept going.
It was kinda interesting though because I ended up walking much slower than usual (due to the aforementioned feet), so I think I saw stuff that I've never actually noticed before (ceiling detail and the like). Plus there were lots of pretty boys to perv on...
But that was it really... lots of wandering, and then I came home...
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