
random buzzcut hotness

For today's Random Hotness we have the spectacularly buzzcutted and stunningly green-eyed Louisiana model, Daniel Edward Miller...

I mean seriously, look at those eyes! Stunning!

daniel edward miller daniel edward miller

Current Mood:


Bodhi said...

And speaking of stunning sweetie, did you know that the Zach Efron of porn, ie Brent Corrigan (I know, I know, u can scream now) is appearing in Sydney at both this years Mardi Gras Bar and also an in-session conversation at the Seymour Centre? More details at http://www.mardigras.org.au.

You can thank me later sweetness. Are you booking your flight to Sydney yet? ;-)

yani said...

Since I read his blog and follow his Twitter, I'm way ahead of you... :)

I did think about it... but really, what does one say if one meets a favoured porn star? "Hi, I enjoy masturbating while looking at you"... awkward!

Bodhi said...

LOL, I really should not be surprised at your 'wayaheadedness' Yani. As Jack from Will and Grace once commented when accused of stalking, "I prefer the term professional crazed fan'.

And I can see how awkward it would be to actually speak to His Zachness ... which is why the faghag (daughter) and I are just going to stand back, mouth a little agape, repeatedly squealing and saying 'OMG!' and 'Totally HAWT!' a lot, and prolly just drooling a little. See, nowhere near as awkward :-)

Bodhi said...

... yes, yes, His Brentness, His Brentness. M'kay, my mistake. He can punish me later ...

Victor said...

Daniel Miller is beyond hotness!

Perversely I hope he suffers from halitosis, otherwise the distribution of life's advantages is just too unfair.