I have to say that it's been something of an odd day... not bad, just odd...
I got my first Retweet from a stranger on Twitter... which was then picked up by someone else, and the hashtag I used/created (Twitter isn't showing any instances of it before mine) suddenly took off... #fuic... Scary!
I'm also having to fight the temptation to use @'s and hashtags in other forms of electronic communication... stoopid Twitter...
I realised that after seeing Sheba last Friday and talking to her about the fact that she's on Atkins, I've been avoiding carbs... to be honest it didn't kick in until Monday, I attempted to have low carb, high protein salad for lunch (and succeeded in getting the salad with the highest carb count... grrr)... then had my usual steak and smashed broccoli for dinner... so that counted... then another salad again today, and I skipped the dressing that came with the salad and opted for lemon juice instead. Then when we had afternoon tea at work, I avoided everything... and there were little profiteroles and everything. And even though I could have had fruit, I didn't...
I followed all this up with a recipe from the January Woolworth's Fresh magazine... chicken, chevapchichi, mushroom and capsicum kebabs (the capsicum was my addition... plus the recipe was supposed to have chorizo, but I remembered it wrong) with onion and tomato salad (my own invention... sliced red onion, quartered cherry tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, let it stew in the fridge for a couple of hours). Very nice, although I did make too much of it all.
I don't know how long this whole carb/protein thing will last (probably until I run out of ideas of things to eat), but given that my work pants shrunk during the week I was on leave, it seemed like as good a time as any.
I also managed to do an entire post where each line started with "I"... which is something I usually avoid...
Current Mood:

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