
a question for my tweeps

riding the twitter waveHmmm... just let me process that for a second... I have tweeps.

Do I actually have tweeps? Well according to the Twittonary, tweeps are Twitter people that follow each other from one social media/network to another... so if a blog can be counted as "social media" then I have tweeps...

But I'm mostly thinking aloud and getting off-topic again...

The question I wanted to ask was where do people stand on "controlling" their Follower list?

There have been a few people who started following me who didn't seem to be "real people"... they were either endless streams of links to a website, or ongoing retweets or just generally seemed like "spam". So I blocked them...

I haven't done that with anybody I class as a "real person" though...

So essentially two questions (there were three, but I can't remember the last one now)... a) Am I overthinking this whole thing? and b) What do other Twitters do?

Current Mood:


Victor said...

I haven't been conscientious in my use of Twitter but I have also blocked followers who appear to be spammers or simply out to sell something. (Not that I have many Twitter followers anyway.)

Sunshine said...

I use the private function so that every person who wants to follow me requires my approval first. I found that when I didn't do that at the beginning, I had heaps of spammers following me.