
exposing my apartment: part trois

my living room 2010... although that really sounds like there should be robots and stuff...I've "exposed my apartment" twice before... and while the general layout doesn't change at all, the details do... picture here, picture there, random tchotchkas shuffle around...

Although what's strange, even to me, is that even though I put 28 litres of stuff in a box yesterday (which is now loitering under my head), when I put the reduced amounts of stuff back in place last night, the shelves are all still full essentially. Which pretty much tells me that they were seriously overstuffed before I started.

I'm so not designed to do the minimalism thing though... I'd go nuts...

But I really do want new bookcases. My only problem is the same problem I have with replacing anything... what the hell do I do with the old ones. Or rather, if I want to give the old ones away, how the hell do I get them to where they need to be.

Ah well... it'll all come out in the wash...

Of course now everything else looks untidy by comparison...

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1 comment:

The Nihilist said...

Clutter much. I'd go crazy with that amount of stuff in my apartment. :)