It was something of a big day actually... not so much for me, but more for Ma... but I'll get to that directly...
We started out, as always with the Supermarket Safari... nothing much of importance to report there... although I found myself picking things up to check the carb content...
Then we had a quick tour around Red Circle (and dealing with the sole check out chick who got confused because the couple of marked down things I bought had the wrong code on the tag) where Ma pretty much finished off her collection of Studio Ghibli movies (I picked up a few of them cheap for her yesterday at Borders but Target was also selling other ones cheaper than usual)... I swear, I didn't know what I was starting when I introduced that woman to anime...
After coming back here and doing the usual unpacking, we headed out to Good Guys because Ma said she wanted to go and look at laptops... and since we had such a good experience when I went to buy mine, she figured it was worth going back to the same place.
And we pretty much ended up repeating the experience... right down to being served by the same staff member. Actually we hung around and waiting for her to be free on purpose... and to be honest, Ma kinda picked out one before we spoke to her, and even though there was a last minute change, there was also an even more last minute change back, and she ended up getting the one I thought she would.
It's all black (actually I think it's a very black blue, if that makes sense) and shiny... and has Windows 7... and Microsoft Office... and, well, I'm somewhat jealous. Not that I would trade in The Beast... he showed up right when I needed him to, and I really can't complain about his performance. But, black and sleek and shiny and updated and new... *green eyes*.
I'm pretty sure it's an Inspiron 15... but don't quote me on that...
And, much less interestingly, I bought an iTunes gift card for myself... I'm furthering my exploration of the modern age and buying the Avenue Q soundtrack online since none of the stores seem to be carrying physical copies. That doesn't mean I won't buy a physical copy later if I see one... but at least I'll have it.
Plus it made me feel better because I didn't get a shiny black laptop... *grin*.
Next stop, also at Ma's suggestion, was Ikea... I thought it was a follow-up trip to the one we did at the beginning of the month so that Ma could get another one of those kitchen workbench things... but, no... turned out it was a "go around and write down everything she wants" trip.
And "everything" kinda turned out to be a different shelf thing for the kitchen, a couple of chairs to replace her lounge suite, and a new dining table and chairs. Actually she decided on the table she liked a while back, but not the chairs... so when she finally decided on the chairs she liked AND they were marked down, I talked her into getting them (she'd already decided to get the metal shelving unit). Hopefully this means she'll actually replace the table soon.
I also did some poking around, specifically at bookcases and TV cabinets. My next technological purchase is going to be a digital flatscreen teevee (and possibly a new stereo, since the one I have I got when I was 16)... and I really could do with some more storage space, so I'm considering some sort of very tall bookcase system... since I have the ceilings for it.
The only downsides are where the hell I put all my tchotchka (I mean I still have the tchotchka from Christmas in boxes) and where the hell I put the painting J did for me and the Benzo piece I bought...
But it's a thought process...
I did manage to walk out of Ikea without buying a single solitary thing though... not sure if that's a gold star achievement or not though...
And that was about it for the day really... we loaded up the car, headed back here and Ma couldn't resist getting the laptop out of the box... and then I hit the power button since she was talking about the battery... and after seemingly ages while the computer configured itself, we fiddled around with it until the battery died.
Shiny both inside and out thought... although I'm not sure how I feel about the top menu thing... but then I wasn't sure about the Google Sidebar in Vista either... plus I don't have to worry about Windows 7 for a while yet...
I'm glad Ma bought it though... she's needed a new computer for a while now, and I'm planning on hooking her up to my wireless broadband in the next couple of weeks so that we can at least check for any Windows updates or anything.
Current Mood:

1 comment:
I know you might have to hold your nose when perusing a Mac forum, but the kiddies at Mactalk have a good thread about cheap deals on iTunes cards - they often have $30 for $20 and that sort of thing in random Target/BigW type shops. :)
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