And that's also an iPhone photo...
It's mostly too hot to think right now. I've been great all day, but then I've also been at work all day... and now I have essentially two days of sweating my nuts off before I can go back to the airconditioning.
God I hate Summer...
It's also mostly too hot to think...
I've continued the "better food choices/carb avoidance" thing right through this week... I'm suddenly one of those people who stands in supermarkets and looks at the nutritional information on the backs of things. That should make shopping tomorrow entertaining... as will the fact that weekends tend to turn into a carb/bread product fest... we'll have to see how things pan out.
I must also remember to send Sheba a "you put bloody ideas in my head again" text.
It was semi tempting to tell the story of getting up late, not having much time this morning and ending up reading most of my blogroll on my phone on the way to work... but it's not really that interesting a story, unless you're me. But look at that, I went and told it anyway...
I discovered some new Benzo artwork online yesterday... one here in Adelaide, one that I think is just BRILLIANT that also is replacing an old one in Melbourne, and I also discovered that I missed out on an exhibition he had at Big Star Records *makes sad face*... might still be worth a look in there sometime soon though.
We've also got Avenue Q tomorrow... so that will mean that I'm somewhere cool for at least part of the evening.
That's about it really... did I mention that it's too hot to think properly?
Current Mood:

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