
a nothing sunday

he's wearing nothing... this post is about nothing... its a tenuous link, but we'll go with itToday has been a big fat nothing day...

I haven't really done anything all day... listened to the Avenue Q soundtrack this morning... watched some teevee (woohoo Rick & Steve and Doctor Who DVDs)... dragged the printer out from under the bed and did a few test prints on the magnetic paper I bought at the beginning of December.

Worked out quite well actually... I printed the little "Protected by Toy Soldiers" sign I made ages ago, as well as four photos all on the same page to make some mini magnets. Turned out quite well actually...

But somehow after doing that and printing out a couple of other 6x4 photos I realised that suddenly the day had disappeared on me.

It would also help if I could concentrate enough to keep a thought in my head for more than five seconds... stupid neighbours...

And I'd like to find the fly that's been buzzing around my apartment all day too...

Current Mood:


Andy said...

Aww boo you!

Hey, if this blog's got 18+ content make sure to mark it!

You don't want to pervert virgin eyes :P

yani said...

I don't believe that's 18+ content... you can't see any genitalia, what's the difference between that and a guy in his underwear?

I've been extremely careful to ensure that this blog features NO full frontal nudity in it's images. And although a number of my posts may feature "mature content", I'm not writing a sex blog here, so I don't believe I've crossed any line.

The Time Boy said...

What Dr Who did you watch...big time fan here! Hope you enjoyed your downtime Sunday, have a good week.

yani said...

The Next Doctor and Planet of the Dead... after a week or so of watching all of Season 4 :)

The Time Boy said...

Although I truly love the classic series as grew up with it, the new stuff is extraordinary and season 4 is easily my favourite. Trust me though the best is yet to come! Waters of Mars really turns it up a notch and the final episodes are brilliant. Enjoy!

yani said...

I do love the new stuff... and yes, I've seen WoM when it aired on teevee, I just don't have it on DVD yet... and I'm hanging out to see the final episodes!

Although I'm not overly happy about the end of the Tennant era... :)