And because it was so hot, and we went to Avenue Q last night, I never did get around to doing the Saturday Roundup...
Basically, yesterday was all about staying out of the heat... actually today's not much different, although I've managed to accomplish NOTHING so far today.
I actually started yesterday way before Ma came down, I went around and took down all my toy soldiers and the rest of my Christmas decorations (such as they were) and piled them up on the kitchen counter. It's one thing seeing them in various points around the apartment, but seeing them covering the counter from one end to the other is something else...
Anyway, once Ma got here we took off for the usual Supermarket Safari, except we went in my car (bless cars with aircon)...
And nothing of much importance followed...
Once we were finished shopping, it was back here to not only unpack the shopping but also to pack away all the toy soldiers and Christmas stuff... in an overheated apartment... less fun, but necessary. And Ma and I didn't end up in a massive screaming match, so that's good too... probably because there was official demarcation of duties, but also because it was just too damn hot.
I did discover, much, much later in the day that I'd failed to put the brand new 2 litres of milk in the fridge, so I'd been slowly making cheese on the kitchen counter all day... urgh....
But once we'd sorted everything out we we had to get out and go and find some air-conditioning, so we headed down to Arndale for a bit, I played Big Gay Fashion Consultant with Ma, then we headed down to West Lakes.
Overheated, underdressed bogans at every turn... so it wasn't all bad...
Essentially we did a big lap of the place, found a few bits and pieces (would you believe I bought some stuff to put away for Ma's birthday already... although that's really not that weird, there's a couple of things I bought before Christmas that went straight into the birthday basket)... although for the absolute life of me I'm having trouble remembering a lot of them. I did give Ma $4 for one of those big toy vending machine things, it had these cute Nintendo DS styli as one of the options, turned out to be pretty good actually.
After we'd had some lunch (and do you know how hard it is to buy something from a food court when you're trying to avoid processed carbs... ended up going with the Asian option, and leaving most of the rice) we toddled off home again.
While my place wasn't fantastic, it wasn't hideous either, but it did get progressively worse throughout the afternoon as it usually does. Ma ended up playing My Sims on her DS, and while I was supposed to be doing other things (reading the paper, blogging, whatever) I ended up getting sucked into the game, tried finding a guide online but couldn't find anything decent... until eventually it was time to go out to dinner.
Nothing overly fancy, we just went to the place we usually go, although again, that issue of food and carbs... plus I didn't want a hell of a lot...
Then we came back here, got changed and headed off to Avenue Q...
So essentially, a good, if overheated time was had by all...
Current Mood:

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