I decided to sleep in this morning, which was nice... and then lay in bed for a while fiddling with my iPhone (which sounds kinda dirty, but really wasn't)... it was weird though, being a Tuesday and all, being able to lie in bed and not have to rush around.
Eventually I rolled out of bed and got myself ready to face the day, then ended up watching an episode of Dollhouse while waiting for Ma to come down so we could start our plans for the day.
Sadly I also discovered that the obnoxious neighbours that I thought were gone had actually only gone back (I'm guessing) to the Homeland over the Christmas break, and since school starts up again tomorrow, they're back... grrrr...
Anyway, when Ma got here, the first step was to hook her computer up to my wireless broadband and do the update thing, then we left that running and took off to Rundle Street to do a late brunch thing before going to the movies.
Sadly the place I'd figured we could go was closed, so we ended up somewhere I've always thought looked nice, but never ventured into... and it was very nice... Dutch fruit bread (although I have idea why the hell it was "Dutch") with ricotta, banana and honey. Very tasty!
Then we wandered across the street to the Palace to see Up in the Air (more on that later), only to discover that instead of movie tickets being the usual Tuesday half price, they were full price due to the public holiday... which is a bit wrong I say... not sure if it was just because it was the Palace, or if the regular multiplexes would have been the same too...
I'm sure we've done movies on public holidays before though... although maybe not a Tuesday and a public holiday...
Anyway, it's not like we were just going to walk out again...
After the movie we headed across the road to Eros and had some fairly tasty Greek themed burgers... that and watch the parade of fairly random folks wandering up and down Rundle Street on our national day.
Originally we thought about stopping off at Cold Rock on the way back to the car, but after the burgers we were both too full to be bothered...
And now I'm relaxing and half-listening to the tail end of the Triple J Hottest 100... and realising that I don't actually recognise a single song from what I've heard so far (which admittedly is only three or four songs)...
Current Mood:

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