
wild things mural

wild things muralBless the panorama making software that came with my digital camera... doubly so because rather than using the camera's panorama mode which overlaps the end of each shot so you can see what you've already taken, I did this one by hand (as it were).

This is, in fact, the entire length of the mural, and the entire length of the wall if it comes to that... and it's from my last trip down to Glenelg (although I did feature the blue beastie with the pink balloon at the right hand end back at Easter).

Other than that trip down mural-related memory lane, there isn't much going on with me.

I got the free pass to Red Cliff in the mail today and I'm still none the wiser about where the hell it is. I think it's anywhere that's having a preview screening, so I'll have to take a look tomorrow and see where that might be. Which also means that'll tweak whatever we end up doing on Saturday.

I held the fort at work for a couple of hours this afternoon... everybody else went off to have lunch with a former team member but honestly I couldn't be bothered (it was Nasal Bitch... and although we parted on good terms, can you really blame me), plus I was more or less officially broke until payday tomorrow, so I stayed behind. And you know what... not a damn thing happened the whole time... not a phonecall, nothing...

And I'm so glad I bought that new umbrella on the weekend... we've had buckets and buckets of rain this week... although fortunately most of it has been while I've been indoors.

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