
random zacquatic hotness

There's no particular reason for the bumper Random Hotness this week, other than the fact that I couldn't just pick two of these shots...

Given that it's been particularly wet over the last week, the whole "wet businesswear" theme seemed appropriate (I have no idea where they're from originally, I could attempt looking it up, but I just can't be bothered right now)...

And I'll freely admit that like half of the 'mo population, I do have a bit of a thing for Zac Efron... I resisted it (and by extension resisted seeing any of the High School Musical movies) for a long time, but you just reach a point where you have to stop and say "Yes please, I like 'em twinkaliscous and athletic but of questionable acting skill"...

Plus, look at that smile...

wet zac efron on the beach wet zac efron on the beach
wet zac efron on the beach wet zac efron on the beach

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