
random young hotness

Sometimes a Random Hotness post will just fall out of the sky into my lap. This week's post comes via ABC's Sunday Arts program... and it wasn't even like I was watching it, in fact I had the sound turned off and was in the other room, but just happened to wander back in as they were featuring photographer Lyndal Walker and her Stay Young series...

I'll let Lyndal explain in her own words...
This series seeks to capture the fleeting beauty of men in their early twenties. The photographs also document a lifestyle that is fleeting as the boys live in share households or their parent's homes and have part time jobs in areas such as hospitality.
So here we have Jake and Ford...

jake, hope is the thing with wings, 2006 ford, about a boy, 2006

Current Mood:


The Mutant said...

I'm pretty sure one of those images constitutes jailbait.

I'm just going to look away now.

yani said...

I merely repeat that the photographer stated that the works were about "the fleeting beauty of men in their early twenties"... therefore the assumption is that he's over 20, even if he's still all babyfaced :P