
fourth blogiversary

yaniblog's fourth blogiversaryLast week I posted the following comment as part of a meme...
Today 4 years ago: I start a blog. I have no idea that it will happen or what it will mean.
I've tweaked it so that it still makes sense today, because it was one of those sentences that leapt into my brain fully formed and I honestly didn't realise what I'd written until I stopped and reread it.

My blog did quite literally sneak up on me out of nowhere. I didn't wait until the first of the month or the first of the year or even pick a favourite numbered day to start it... I'd been cleaning/clearing up all day and as far as I remember, halfway through whatever job I was doing I sat down at the computer, typed in the address for Blogger, and boom, I had a blog.

If you'd told me way back when that I would have a blog and I would post something everyday I would most likely have laughed at you. Now here I am, 1860 posts later (that's about 8.5 posts a week)...

And if you'd told me that it would keep me sane and prod my creativity and connect me with some amazing people... well that I might have believed, having had similar experiences with other websites. But when I sat down to type those fateful words "Okay... here we are... I finally have a blog" I had no idea how much the blog or the people I met through it would invade my life.

I guess what I'm saying is this... thank you all for coming along for the ride... I know it hasn't always been earth-shatteringly important or exciting, but I guess that's just me really. And while some people have disappeared along the way (and I still think about some of them from time to time), I'm glad you've all been around!

Current Mood:


Victor said...

Congratulations on the anniversary. I enjoy checking in every day.

Bodhi said...

Happy Bloggoversary Yani! I hope there are many more years to come. MWAH!

The Mutant said...

Congratulations on four amazing years, here's to the next four and beyond! I'm glad I've been able to share part of the journey!

yani said...

Thanks guys :)