
photo friday: opalite wolf

opalite wolfThis is the opalite wolf that I bought at the Body Mind & Psychic Expo... and thank goodness I mentioned what kind of crystal it was in my blog post, because I'd totally forgotten...

And my ongoing mantra of "everything happens for a reason" holds true (oddly enough I found the card I bought a few weeks back that has that printed on the front and stuck it to my bedroom mirror last night, so the message is fresh in my brain), even if the everything in question is me putting my foot in my mouth.

Who is the worst possible person to get into a heated discussion with when you don't actually recognise them?

Yep, the new boss (well, technically she's kinda my boss's boss... which may actually make it worse).

I didn't even know it was going to become a heated discussion, but for some reason it touched a button and I kinda got a little bit cranky and a tiny bit ranty... and while I knew the person I was talking to looked familiar, I hadn't been at any of the staff meetings in the past two weeks that had involved her.

I did hear the little Sugarmonkey in the back of my brain whispering to me (the real Sugarmonkey wasn't in today, but it seems I carry one around with me now, which is very scary), so I did pause at one stage and apologise for getting cranky. Then when she went back to her office I said to La Ninj (who was also involved in the conversation)... "Did I just get cranky at our new boss?".

And yes... I did...

How embarrassment!

But like I said, everything happens for a reason... so a little bit later she came out of her office to ask me something (about the earlier topic under discussion) and we had the whole "we haven't been officially introduced" conversation... to which I think I apologised again and admitted that I hadn't recognised her. To which she replied that it was lucky that she wasn't a bitch. And then she said the thing that kinda floored me.

"It's also lucky I'm a faghag from wayback."

I hadn't officially met this woman before today. I'd had two conversations with her, one where I was cranky, one where I was just me. And she picked me out of the homo lineup in less than three minutes.

I guess I flame just that little bit more than I thought I did. Oh well.

Actually I looked at my desk after she'd gone (between bouts of just grinning to myself and muttering variations on "I don't believe that")... and, you know what, I think my desk is pretty homo. Way too many toys and random junk and general campness. Hehehehe.


But at least we had that bonding moment and we all know where we're coming from now. Seriously though... under three minutes...

While we're on the general subject of homo... there are way more decidedly homo boys on this year's American version of So You Think You Can Dance than there has been in previous years (waves at Kupono, Jonathon and Brandon)... but the latest "scandal" romping around the blogosphere seems to involve one who I wouldn't have picked outta the homo lineup...

sytycd boys ade and jonathon... or are they?Seems that a couple of the dancers have shown up on Guys with iPhones... and one of them is showing off all his business! But I'm not convinced.

I think that the guy on the right is definitely Jonathon... but he's only got his shirt off. The guy on the right is too slender through the jaw to be Ade though... and he's the one that's showing everything.

I'll just have to pay very, very careful attention when I watch it tonight...

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