
photo friday: blanket

furry brown blanketSince it's been a very "internal" week for me (as in I've spent over half of it in the house), I wanted a photo of something appropriate... and after fiddling around with another idea I was curled up on the sofa with my "teddy blankey"... and of course, camera with macro setting + furry blanket = photo opportunities. While this particular blanket does get a lot of use in Winter, it's probably had more than its fair share this week.

I'm actually feeling much, much more like a member of the human race again today, but it has been an odd couple of days. I've already babbled about how it all started, but Wednesday just got weirder and weirder. After organising the flights to Melbourne I half ate some lunch and then hunkered down on the sofa to watch the last Harry Potter movie and managed to go from being overheated to intensely freezing cold and yet still drowsy, so once the movie was over at about 2pm I crawled into bed and fell asleep pretty much straight away.

Now anybody who knows me well knows that that is VERY rare... there are only a few instances where I can nap/sleep during the day, and most of them have involved staying up the night before. But sleep I did, on and off until about 7pm when I rolled out of bed, stuffed around on the computer for a bit, watched Spicks and Specks and then went back to bed at around 9pm. So out of that particular 24 hours, I think I was only really awake for about 8 or 9 hours.

Yesterday was better... even though I tossed and turned again during the night, I woke up earlier and didn't sleep at all during the day. I even went out to the supermarket to get some supplies (fruit and juice mostly).

Today I'm feeling much better by comparison... I was still a little headachey when I woke up, and I've started each morning feeling incredibly overheated which then turned into being freezing cold by about lunchtime... but like with everything else, it seems to be less intense each day.

Part of me wonders if it might have been a mild case of Swine Flu... or if it was just a bad case of the regular flu (I'm not entirely sure what the hell the difference is between the two... I mean, really, if you have the symptons of flu, then you have the flu, right... it's not like you suddenly grow a curly tail and ears if you get Swine Flu)... and I also wonder if I caught whatever it is from TrevMama... or more accurately, if she passed it on from her son to me (since he was supposedly sick the day before and my immune system was already taking a hammering because I was all sniffly).

But this is officially it... I don't want to get sick any more this Winter! I've been really, really sick (by my standards) twice now, and I've missed work and everything, so I'm very much over it. All I can say is roll of September, then Winter will be officially over!

Current Mood:

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