I woke up feeling monumentally crap this morning... my cold/flu has developed a new and irritating nasty cough, and I did find myself considering semi-seriously during my walk whether I should go and get myself checked out for Swine Flu. Oink...
Which, considering that I will avoid going to the doctor unless something is catastrophically bad, should tell you how I was feeling...
And had it not been for the fact that I had to work on a particular project today, I might have considered staying home. In fact I may still do that tomorrow, or at least skip my walk so that I don't have to go out before dawn and expose myself to the frigid morning air.
But, like I said... whole world of project that I had to do today. It was something that I REALLY didn't want to have to do, but I'd been roped into it, and there was no getting out of it, so I figured I'd make the best of it. Part of me does wonder if that is partly why I felt so crappy this morning, a psychosomatic response to this thing I didn't want to do... but I don't really feel any better now, so I doubt it.
I'd organised as much stuff as I could, so when I went in this morning with my Iced Coffee I got myself settled, plugged the headphones I bought on the weekend in, fired up the five or so CD's I ripped onto my work computer last week, put up the sign which read "I am not here, this is an optical illusion, do not disturb" (which actually came in very useful on at least three occasions when I could point to it and make people leave me alone without having to speak) and got myself into The Zone.
I was very much "in my head" the whole morning. I was "in my head" because I'm sick, which always makes me somewhat hypersensitive to the world around me as well as making me super aware of everything above my neck. I was "in my head" because I had headphones on and was pretty much cut off, aurally anyway, from everything that was going on around me. And finally I was "in my head" because I was concentrating completely on the project.
Unfortunately, while I generally live "in my head", I don't always spend that much time paying attention to the fact that I'm there, and after a while my head is kind of a scary place to be...
Its also been kinda weird that for the last few days while I haven't been feeling on top of my game, I've also been ravenously hungry... so much so that my stomach was growling several times since the weekend... I think I woke up with a growly tummy on Sunday actually.
Fortunately, even though I'd pretty much blocked off the entire day to work on this project, I was finished with it around 1pm, although I hadn't been to lunch and I'd been thrashing my way through it since 8am. Pretty good actually.
I didn't even get the opportunity to go straight off to lunch though, since we had a meeting with the Big Boss who imparted some news that didn't really come as a great shock to anybody (well, not to me, certainly since I'd heard something on the grapevine last week)... then I scrambled off and grabbed a bit of lunch before coming back, not really getting much of anything done before we headed over to the Hilton for an offsite team meeting.
And because it was offsite, La Ninj said that we could take off straight after the meeting instead of going back to work... sadly the meeting went from 2:30 until 4pm, so I didn't get any kind of early minute. But there was actual work-altering news imparted at that meeting too... and while I knew there had to be SOME reason for the sudden decision for an offsite meeting, I will admit that I didn't actually see that particular piece of news coming.
So yeah, that was my day... a morning spent listening to music and going all project hardcore... and an afternoon of meetings...
I really just want to go back to feeling like a person again though... I hate being sick...
Current Mood:

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