
spirit guide template

zulu templateI kind of knew in the back of my mind that I was going to end up doing this...

And it just so happens that the first day of Winter (which seems like as good a time to change to a new template as any) coincided with me getting my spirit guide image done...

As much as I really loved the blue and grey, it was time for a change... something warmer for the winter months, you know...

Even though I'm not 100% pleased with the way the photos of the artwork have turned out, I have to say, once the "template wash" process happened to it, I kinda liked it again... it's still brighter than the original, but it works.

The only downside is that the lion kinda gets lost in the shading...

Ah well...

I do like the way his eyes line up with my eye in my profile image...

And unlike other times when I haven't really been sure who's artwork I was using... this time I am sure, so I added an extra line to the footer too...

So... yeah... behold my Zulu spirit guide template...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks great Yani!