
thoughts on my old mattress

unknown. brooklyn park, 5032, 2008. photo by toby richardsonAs I got into bed last night I was musing that it would be the very last time I ever lay down on my old mattress, and was just flicking through all the memories associated with it...
  • I fucked (and was in turn fucked by) my first (and to date, only) boyfriend on that mattress (which was the first time for having a boyfriend, fucking and having sex on that mattress)...
  • That mattress supported the combined bodies of my first threesome...
  • It's lived in three different houses, two in North Adelaide, one in Golden Grove...
  • EnglishX and I snapped the legs off one side of the base after running around my old apartment and throwing ourselves down on the bed (in a non sexual way)...
  • And it's hosted at least one visitor from overseas.
But you know what... when I stripped all the bedding off the mattress this morning and stood both pieces up against the wall so I could assess the "damage" after having had it in the same spot for seemingly forever...

It's a fucking piece of shit and I'll be glad to see the back of it!!!

Current Mood:


The Mutant said...



*Ahem* Sorry - I do so love a shred of nostalgia here and there.

Then again nothing beats the feeling of sinking into your brand new mattress!

Enjoy - may your new mattress share many more threesomes and marathon fuck-fests with you!

Anonymous said...

I had the same experience with my "workbench" after more than 10 years of service. Many memories. But the new one took a month of getting used to. I think your body moulds so much into the old one. I have a new boyfriend for the last few years and we brought a house together and it was fitting to say goodbye to the old girl. You spend a 3rd of your life in it and getting older means a good nights sleep. I love the passage of time and the journey these things present.