One of the things that was stressing me out last week has reared it's ugly little head again... and it doesn't look like there is going to be anyway around it. There possibly would be if La Ninj would "man up" and take a stand, but she's all about "maintaining relationships" instead of telling people that they need to fuck off. And sometimes people just need to learn the consequences of their actions (or inactions as the case may be)...
So by lunchtime there were a bunch of things kinda piling up in my head, which is when I remembered that I'd been flicking through the Toys R Us catalogue first thing this morning and they had Transformer toys on sale starting today... so I went to one of my happy places (ie mindless wanderings in a toy store), and ended up buying a Bumblebee Mighty Muggs figure (I've been loving the Star Wars ones for a while now, but they only ever have the crappy ones left). And some Haighs chocolate (it was that kind of day)...
The afternoon wasn't too bad, minor points of annoyance, but I also workshopped a couple of things with H-San and we had our team meeting, which is pretty much a bludge... for the most part we all know what everybody else has been working on, but we still sit around for an hour and a half discussing "things".
The Universe did decide to bite me in the ass at the end of the meeting though... it was only about 15 minutes before it was time for me to leave and I said something about "can't we just discuss things for a while longer til it's time for me to go?"... then when I got back to my desk it turned out that there were many and varied (not to mention in one case, very complicated) emails in our shared mailbox... fortunately I was able to farm them all off to other people.
Actually I was trying to explain to Sugarmonkey about one of them and he just kept messing around... so I did what I tend to do with J or Stu or all the way back to Ludo... I ignored him for the most part and just kept explaining the problem with my serious face and serious voice, but eventually I just had to say "Are you quite finished fucking around now?" to which he replied "Almost" and then after an extended pause he made his monkey noise... so of course that cracked me up completely, which cracked him up... stupid Sugarmonkey *grin*.
When I got home I glanced at the Toys R Us catalogue and discovered that the Mighty Muggs actually had a "Buy 1, Get 1 Free" offer on them (I'd actually thought that it was "Buy 2, Get 1" for some reason... I have no idea why, I blame the fact it was about 7am when I was looking at it)... now normally I might just have shrugged and gone "oh well, thems the breaks", but I decided to call them and see if there was any way I could get the free one I was "entitled to". Fortunately the girly who served me was the same girly who picked up the phone (actually she was on the phone the entire way through serving the women in front of me) and remembered me (it pays to be memorable). So after waiting around for what seemed like forever on hold she came back and told me that yes I could have a second one and she would put it on hold for me just in case. Bless her and her little cotton socks!
And another check in the "plus" column, I still have apple pie and icecream in the freezer... woohoo...
Current Mood:

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