
photo friday: pohs

pohsEven though it's been a short week, it's very much been one of THOSE kind of weeks...
  • The full moon makes everybody insane and quite a bit stupider than normal...

  • This week was the full moon...

  • The age-old question... get laid or get smashed on tequila?...

  • My chosen brand of tequila is gold and comes with a little gold hat and a free shot glass... I picked it because it came with a free shot glass and was $1 cheaper than the clear variety...

  • One of my Smiggle badges has fallen off of the safety pin... and they've only been on my Crumpler bag for about a week...

  • The American version of So You Think You Can Dance starts again tonight... sqeeee (even if it is only going to be the horrible audition show)...

  • Freshman magazine's June issue isn't available in Australia yet *sulk*...

  • Gotta get a new fan heater thing... this radiator one that I have isn't cutting the mustard...

  • Red and black stripy socks, no jockstrap (I wasn't in the mood)...

  • Shoulda taken photos of the masses of little red rubber ducks in the fountain near Adelaide Arcade on Wednesday...

  • JB Hi-Fi stores are the real world equivalent to Empire Records... kinda...

  • Need to stop having ideas at work, because it all leads back to more complicated problems...

  • Every other teenage boy is sporting a post-emo, Efron-eske floppy hairstyle... what's up with that?...

  • Every generation says "what's up with that" about the upcoming generations hairstyles, right?...

  • Decent sounding books priced between $5 and $10 are my weakness...

  • Mmmm... homemade pizza...
Current Mood:

1 comment:

Janek said...

You don't need to tell me about this new generation's lack of hair style... sigh. As a tutor, I have to look at all these 18yos who think they know what looks good.

Talking of, the other day I was chatting to some of them and asked them about how old they think I am. They added 5 years to my life. Wow.