
random sheer hotness

While today's Random Hotness isn't the first time I've only posted a single image, it's something of a rarity (in fact I've only done it twice before and the last one was back in 2006).

But I just had to do it with this image.

This is Thomas Ivasaki, a "Brazilian-Japanese model" (whatever that means), posing for Daniel Ward in the Nude issue of online British fashion magazine Fashion156.

As I was flicking through the set of photos I discovered this shot featuring a grey sheer shirt by Christie Lee (full credit where it's due), and it just took my breath away. I'm not sure why exactly, whether it's my ongoing love of clothing that reveals more than it should or just one of those images that you connect to on a primal level and you can't explain, but it's not enough to say that this image spoke to me... this photo SANG!

However much I might have liked the other shots in the set, I couldn't bring myself to pair this up with any of them. So enjoy Thomas in his singular sheer shirted splendour.

thomas ivasaki for fashion156.comCurrent Mood:

1 comment:

Victor said...

How ironic that you chose this pic.

I saw a number of gorgeous (clothed) arses in the streets of Sydney today that left me...quite frankly...hot for relief tonight.