
birth date images meme

It's amazing what you find when you're ferreting around in folders you haven't looked at for a while...
Go to Google Images and enter your birth date as six figures: ddmmyy (or mmddyy if you prefer).

Pick any five pictures from the first page of results and post them!
birth date imagesWhen I thumped my birth date in and one of the first results was good old Harvey Fierstein, I knew it was meant to be...

Plus, how cool is that laptop cover... and how gay is that centrepiece?

Current Mood:


The Mutant said...

I'm such a tool... I punched in my birthdate to try and see what your other image choices were and didn't get any of them. I momentarily forget that only the first four digits of our birthdate are the same. I'm just going to lie back down now.

yani said...

Silly rabbit... that's hilarious :)