
photo friday: good friday

model's chair circa 2007Sometimes the right photo for the right day just seems to whisper in my ear... I'm not sure exactly why this photo felt it had to be seen today, but who am I to argue. It's actually just a test shot I did when I was shooting a model way back when... I wanted to see how the garden and chair translated into black & white before I put the model in shot...

It's also an apartment/garden that I really like... peaceful, modern, spacious, green.

I've done pretty much nothing the whole day. I slept in, skipped my walk (officially I was resting my knee, unofficially I just wanted a day off), and pretty much watched Doctor Who all afternoon.

Then I made Toona Noodle Doo for dinner, as is my want on Good Fridays.

I also finally finished Watchmen... which in some ways makes a lot more sense than the movie, although it contains even less action that the movie.

Current Mood:

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