
blue wednesday

sailboat in the blue angel clock
These are about the only other shots that I took during the Kite Festival... and I hasten to add that the sailboat shot was taken while flying a kite with my other hand...

It was an incredibly meeting heavy day at work today... thankfully none of the meetings were particularly heavy, but I had one that took up half the morning, an unofficial one just after I came back from lunch, an official one later in the afternoon and then we all went to an "off site meeting"... which in truth was for coffee and cake to celebrate La Ginja Ninja's birthday. But we managed to waste a good hour doing that, so that was fun.

Especially as I got to perv on the slightly androgynous and cuddly looking serving boy with the pierced lip.... mmmm lip.

But despite all the meetings (or maybe because of them, I don't know), it wasn't a bad day all up...

I also won the lottery today (literally, I went in to check the Lotto ticket I bought the other day)... WOOHOO! But before anybody gets too excited, I won a grand total of $8.10... and the ticket may have cost more than that, I can't remember...

Current Mood:

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