And ever so slightly World of Incoherence... but I think that's more because I'm currently trying to do about four things at once, none of them terribly well.
I'm not completely sure where the day went either... time just seemed to get away from us.
So we started off with the Supermarket Safari as usual... blah, blah, groceries, et al. Although I'm not sure why but I don't seem to be getting that much stuff recently... maybe it's because I have a freezer full of leftovers and a cupboard full of tins and jars... and I don't tend to plunder either during the week. Plus if I really need anything, I can pick it up during the week since I'm all financially solvent and stuff...
Anyway, once all that was over and after a detour to go and see The Honey Man and I'd done the Ritual Unpacking and Paper Reading we headed down the road so that I could pick up La Cousina's wedding present (and I can't find a link to the company's website... I did write the address down, but that goes to a place that sells trucks, so I don't know what's up with that)... it's hideously overpriced and essentially useless... but isn't that the point of a wedding present? Anyway, it's done now...
Then we headed over to the Haighs factory (again)... just to see if they had much of anything left after Easter... the not terribly surprising answer was no (apart from some really ugly long stemmed eggcups which would be completely impractical and I'm sure you'd end up with egg everywhere). We did grab a few bits and pieces (Ma went a little crazier than me), but you can't really go past packets of broken Easter egg...
After that we headed into the city... and I was surprised to discover that it was noon... while it makes sense that each stop/detour took up some time, and added together they added up to a chunk of time, it still surprised me.

As with previous years it was well worth the entry fee... although for some reason it didn't seem as good as previous years... plus this time they hadn't crammed the other competition in with this one (that one isn't coming around until October... so somebody was obviously listening to my advice from last year), so everything was much more spread out, which initially made me think that there were less entries or something.
I often wonder (as with all photographic competitions that I've seen or been involved with) why the judges pick some of the shots they pick. I know it's all subjective, and they probably have a very strict set of guidelines they're working to, but I didn't think about half of the shots that won their respective categories were actually the best shots in that category.
After we'd killed a big chunk of time wandering around the exhibition (we always end up doing two laps... I go through it all at my own speed, Ma does it at her own slower speed, then we go back around together and point out what we like and what we don't like to each other) we headed across the road to the food court under David Jones and got some Nando's action... sadly the girl on the counter was possibly a little bit dense, and instead of giving me the steak burger like I'd asked, she gave me the chicken one (same name, just one was beef, one was chicken)... fortunately she only charged me for the chicken one otherwise I would have complained... as it was I couldn't be bothered.
That was followed by some random wandering around town before we headed back here. But man I'm knackered... even after sitting here for far too long...
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