
adventures in shopping

shopper mag
There's just one thing that's getting in the way
When we go up to bed you're just no good
Its such a shame
I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
And then you make this noise and its apparent it's all over

God I love Lily Allen! I've loved her music since Triple J discovered her back in 2005 (Bless you Scott Dooley!)... And her new album is pretty good (possibly the first half is better than the second half), I picked it up with some of my leftover Christmas money... and I'm listening to it as we speak...

But as usual, I get ahead of myself...

Today was very much Adventures in Shopping... I started out doing the Supermarket Safari on my own since Ma was getting her hair did (not bad, her hairdresser was channelling the Mia Farrow thing again, which always works for Ma)... and I was running a little later than usual so there just seemed to be more annoying old people cluttering up the place. And that turned into something of a theme for the day... not old people necessarily, but just people in general cluttering up places.

Anyway, I did everything I needed to do at the supermarket (including new batteries for my cordless mouse, since it developed a low battery warning light late last night) and still managed to make it home (after a quick side trip to get a new and overpriced bulb for my bedside lamp), unpack, read the paper and settle down to read a little bit of Watchmen before Ma got here.

Then we headed down to Arndale for the usual wander around, bought a couple of bits and pieces (including something for my desk at work that should amuse H-San and Sugarmonkey... I'm not even going to mention it, I'm just going to set it up and see if/when they notice), then decided to wander over to Marion... but took what is probably the long way...

And as we were on our way down to Glenelg we decided that we'd call in at the Orange Spot Bakery, they just won the title of "Australia's Best Hot X Buns" so we had to check them out...

But before we got there, we were driving past this little giftshop on the opposite side of the road which we've driven past any number of times, and I've always thought that we should stop and have a look, but we never do. Well today I happened to notice they had a couple of big silver seahorses in the window, so I was all "Quick, quick, turn around, go back"... which was easier said than done and ended up with a little bit of wandering around some skinny little backstreets, but we got there in the end.

It's one of those ginchy little fru-fru homeware/giftshop type places, lots of pretty but theoretically overpriced bits and pieces... we did find a few nice bits... including a metal bananna for me (I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, and I was going to buy it for myself but Ma waved my money away and said that it was going to be my Easter present... yeah, I have no idea either, but whatever). And after all that, no seahorse. Ma could have bought it, she spend about the same amount as the smaller one, but whatever. At least we got to finally have a wander around the shop.

Then we got some lunchables and some hot cross buns from Orange Spot... the buns were basically fresh out of the oven and pretty damn yummy. Having not tasted every hot cross bun in Australia, I can't say that I think they were the best, but they're definitely up there.

We drove down to the beach and sat by the water eating out lunch... which was lovely, except when the three women with the stroller and the toddler stood RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CAR for what felt like forever... rack off already! Then I went down the street to grab a bottle of water at one of those beachside kiosks and had to deal with indecicive people in the queue in front of me... pfffft.

Anyway, we headed down to Marion and had a general wander about (I bought the Lily Allen CD)... but I don't know if it was because it's the week before Easter, or whether it was because we got there later than usual, or what... but peoplez was NUTS! Grrr...

So after I kept changing my mind about buying shirts in Target and DVDs in various places, we called it a day...

Current Mood:

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