
and so it begins

the government asks you to do your christmas shopping earlyYes, with just over two months to go, we've inevitably reached that time of the year again... it's time to think about considering starting to talk about wondering whether we should be thinking about deciding what to get people for Christmas...

We've sort of being shopping for Christmas things for the last few weeks, but only really in relation to presents for each other (although not a whole lot of stuff to be honest)... which is wise, since while I have a feeling that I might be gainfully employed over Christmas and possibly beyond (though not with the group I'm currently with), these things are subject to change at a moment's notice, so I'm not completely sure... so it makes more sense to start squirreling things away to give to Ma now, while I know I'm cashed up.

So, after the joys of Supermarket Shopping Adventures this morning (and what the hell is the deal with my supermarket never having enough checkout operators working first thing in the morning... I think today they were actually missing people, but it's Saturday morning, have more staff on dammit), we figured we would make the most of the glorious weather and headed into the city.

And I will just repeat (again, I think) that I'm loving my Penguin Classics shoulder bag TO DEATH... I've worn it the last couple of times we've gone into the city and it's VERY useful!

This morning we were maybe a little later than we would normally be when we head into town, plus it's coming into warmer weather, so the spot where we usually park was chockers, we tried Rundle Street, also full... but while we were roaming the streets trying to find a park somewhere else, we spotted a lone little carpark on one of the other streets and snapped it up. And it was a good thing that we did because it meant that when we wandered through a little side alley onto Rundle Street we came out near the ever funky Bauhaus store.

We've been in there before, and it's a place that's an "exotic mecca of Asian-and Moroccan-style jewellery" (and is a mix of hideously expensive and inexpensive but possibly flimsy stuff), and it's not just jewellery so both Ma and I are kept happy and occupied looking at all the pretty pretty things. I also think it's the first time we've been in there when I've been appropriately financial, and while I hadn't really intended buying myself anything I saw some nice silver bracelets (but I don't really wear bracelets anymore, other than my rubber Livestrong one), and some metal cuff type bracelets, but while they were nice, I didn't buy any of them. But then Ma pointed out some Nepalese/Tibetan (possibly, I'm guessing because I honestly don't remember) rings that had an internal section that spun around and appropriately foreign text on them (I'm thinking it said something about them being Om-something rings), and as it turned out the first one I picked up and tried on the little finger of my left hand fit perfectly... and once we left the store and I put it on, it just seemed to perfectly balance out my hand, since that's where I also wear my stainless steel ring.

And after some additional wanderings around the store Ma found some pendants she quite liked (so I'll have to head over there at some point to nab one for Christmas for her) and I picked a "Chinese" coin with writing on one side and a big fat Buddah on the other (and I want to work out some way to wrap or bind the coin so I can turn it into a pendant) out of a pile and it just felt "right" in my hand, and then on my way to the counter I saw these little metal "cards" with Green Tara, Goddess of Action on it and couldn't resist. Not completely sure what I'm going to do with her, she came in her own little yellow pouch with a cord too...

We did a lot of wandering around... here there and everywhere... picked up a few bits and pieces for Ma to add to the Away For Christmas pile with my name on it... I took her into one of the handbag shops to show her a bag that I liked when one of the women at work bought it on Friday and we ended up walking out of there with a wallet for each other.

Speaking of my Penguin Classics bag (as I was before)... BIG RASPBERRY to the two women in Borders who very obviously wanted to ask me where I got it, and even when I went looking at graphic novels right next to them they never plucked up the courage to actually ask me, because we were in the store where the GAVE IT TO ME.

And I just remembered that I went and made an appointment for Haircut Day (and possibly Haircolour Day, we'll see) next Saturday, since Ma has her appointment then too.

One of the other places we went to browse through (as opposed to what I've done every other time I've just gone past the store and just looked in the window) was Karma Living, which isn't bad, but has that "overpriced things you don't really need" vibe about it. But they had some Iron Fairies... which I wondered about for Princess T and Miss Olivia, my cousin's girls, although honestly I'm having far too many thoughts about interesting, if not overly expensive presents I could organise for them, including taking Miss Olivia to High School Musical 3 (which could be monumentally painful on my part, even with the pretty pretty boys)... but this could be an idea, I'm not sure. I like them, but would slightly rusty iron fairies appeal to 15 and 12 (I think, I always forget) year old girls? Maybe I'll get me and Ma one each instead...

See, this is why Ma and I usually end up with reasonable piles of presents come Christmas morning and everybody else on the list gets bugger all...

Anyway, like I said, there was much poking around and wondering and musing and buying of chocolate from Haighs we started thinking about food, and after a wander up and down Rundle Street, we decided we'd take a trip to West Lakes, pick up some food down by the beach somewhere, then browse the shops down there.

Me + Ma + The Beach + Food = Disasterous Plan...

We don't seem to be able to make an appropriate plan, or we can find somewhere good to go, or we end up driving too far or whatever, so after we made a stop for petrol I got Ma to turn the car around and just go to West Lakes, and we ate there...

That was followed by much more wandering and occasional shopping... but at the same time we didn't really look at any of the things that we'd originally intended to look at when we headed over there. Isn't it always the way? Oh well, it wasn't anything that won't keep.

Then, like we seem to do every week, just when we'd gotten to the point of being overly tired and pretty much over the whole shopping thing, we called it a day.

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to quickly say that you have redeemed yourself with me after the Nippy's Lemon Drink fiasco. Can I just say, Rocky Road Overload..... YUM! There are SO many marshmallows in there and the ice cream is not a really dark dark chocolate one. Thankyou for the heads up Mr Yani!

yani said...

I'm so glad that my Food Addiction and I could help ;)

I do agree that it's hard to find a chocolate icecream that's far too dark and rich... there's another brand that's good, comes in a small, square, white container with like a field or something on it... can't remember the name right now though.