
sidestreets part eight

tan shadow with bluegrey sq with blue
Ooooh... my poor feets...

I envy those people who can wear a pair of thongs to do everything in, run around, walk everywhere, etc, etc... me, I get to a certain point and I don't know if it's because my feet start to sweat (yeah, not a pleasant image is it) or the thongs heat up too much or what, but they always start to rub and I've ended up with blisters on the balls of my feet more than once...

I decided that since it was a glorious day today that I should try and kickstart my Sidestreets and Alleyways project again (partially because I was running really, really low on Photo Friday and Featured Photo images)... and this time actually doing "proper" shots in the backstreets, not just looking for various bits of street art. And very foolishly, I chose to wear thongs...

Big mistake... I actually had to give up halfway through, come home, put on some socks and sneakers and go back out again... and my poor footsies are still kinda burning when I put weight on the balls of my feet...

Other than that though, it was a pretty productive day out... the weather was Very Summer-like and was just crying out for me to be out in it...

city - central south eastAnd because I wanted to get back to the original backstreets concept, I figured that somewhere further removed from all the street art of the western side of town...

So Angas Street it was...

Actually, that was kind of a fluke, I wasn't sure where I was aiming for, and then there was a really obvious parking space right there on Angas Street in amongst a bunch of stuff that I'd been intending to photograph for a while. Perfect...

I kinda, sorta set myself a little secondary project while I was out there (well, a couple actually, but one might turn out to be a bad idea)... I was looking for some other theme to base a montage around... at first I thought locks and doors... but it actually kind of turned out that I was taking a lot of shots of "edges" and the line where things met (see Exhibits A and B at the top of the post)... more so than I'd noticed before. But more on that (possibly) another time.

Now, I don't think I look particularly shifty when I'm out there taking photos, but maybe I do a bit and don't realise it... mostly I try not to creep around, if I'm going to be somewhere I'm not really supposed to be, then I'm not going to try and be secretive about it, because that makes it look worse, but I was just snapping a couple of shots of the side of an apartment block that had a red section and a grey section and a purple seciton, and there was a guy on a bike who'd just come out of the building who was kinda watching me, and then when I turned around to walk out of the sidestreet he asked me why I was taking the photo... I kinda thought he might, because he'd looked at me weirdly when he went past me, so I had my "I love those three colours together, it looks great" answer ready... *waves nicely at Bike Man*... and he seemed satisfied with that (which is good, because it was the truth).

After I was done with photos, I stopped off in Rundle Street to buy one of the coin pendants for Ma that we saw yesterday... I bought her the one I liked the most (well, maybe my second favourite), but it's an English coin, so she should like it. And the girly packed it all up in first a little red bag (which I think they came in from whoever makes them), then one of their gift boxes, and then a little paper baggie with their logo on the back. So I don't even think I need to do anything about wrapping it when Christmas comes (although I could be evil and put it in yet ANOTHER layer of packaging).

Unfortunately I was too late for the actual Rundle Street Markets, because I had thought about buying some cupcakes to bring home with me... but everybody was packing up when I got there...

And from here another work week begins... *sigh* (but at least I'm getting paid)

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