After last night's little adventure, I did a bit of a systems check when I woke up this morning...
Hangover... Not Found (*phew*)...
Humiliating Blunders... Not Found...
Totally Inappropriate Comments... Not Found...
Embarrassingly Drunken Blog Post... Not Found...
So all in all I was pretty much okay... although when I got on the bus to go into town for my haircut, I did think that perhaps the bus seemed to be going a tiny wee bit fast... and once I hit town I decided that a Sausage and Egg McMuffin was the order of the day... but other than being a bit tired now (which I might well have been anyway), I'm not really any the worse for wear.
Although when I got to the salon, the first thing I said to Tink was "Beer is Bad!"...
I decided a day or so ago that my request for today's haircut would be "just this side of crazed mental patient"... which kinda translated into very, very short on the back and sides and a severely "chunked" top section. Actually, I'm not sure if it's really chunky enough through the top... the stuff that Tink put in was a bit crappy and my hair feels all fluffy... but I think with some proper product and a little time I can get that proper Arkham look going on...
After I was done Ma picked me up from town after her own Haircut Day and we headed off to do grocery shopping... wheeeee...
And even though I had a whole proper list and everything, we still forgot to pick up some Turkish Delight so I can make Rocky Road for the Morning Tea on Friday...
To be honest, forgetting did kind of seem to be the order of the day. I chose to blame the combination of beer and hot weather rather than any kind of mental defect on my part.
Once we were finished with groceries and whatnot, we headed into town, because supposedly we had so MANY things we needed to do in town... and I think we forgot as many as we remembered... which isn't really that good. But I did get new sunglasses (which I gave up to the Christmas Abyss), but that was really about it... forgot to get pistashios for the Rocky Road, forgot to go to the place with cheap Lynx bodyspray... I'm sure we forgot other things, but I can't remember what they are right now...
Oh well...
Current Mood:

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