
bait and switch

Okay... I'm pulling a bait and switch...

I originally did a post earlier this evening about Movember (actually it probably still shows up in Google Reader... damn this modern technology, in a perfect world I could have gotten away with this without anybody being any the wiser)... but I was thinking about it a little while ago and decided that I'd changed my mind...

Not about Movember, but about posting about it now...

I'm going to repost the same post on the first of November... er, Movember... since that seems like a better time.

Consider the earlier post a trial run...

Hello and welcome to Yani's House of Indecision...

We are experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Ooo... new commenty thingy! :)

Yup, you can't escape the Google. I read the Movember post on Google Reader before this one! :)

Are you going to be posting daily photos on your blog?

yani said...

Yeah, new commenty thing... not sure if I like it yet though, since it takes a while to pop up on my screen...

It's okay, I know I'll end up adding stuff or changing the Movember post, so you'll just have to read it again then. As for photos, maybe, but I haven't decided yet... :)