The colours of today's photos match the blustery and occasionally grey (yet pleasantly warm) day we had today, and I do love me some street art and architectural details... plus I really like the "stating the obvious" nature of these two shots. Brown on brown and gray on grey...
Speaking of today's weather, I love "Summer rain"... when it's quite warm and then it rains (like it did this morning on my walk)... that smell you get when rain hits the pavement... and the big fat raindrops. Love, love, love...
I didn't sleep overly well last night though... I kept waking up over and over and over again, I felt (and still feel a little bit) oogy with a side-order of headache. And thanks possibly to the almost entire bag of pistachios I ate yesterday afternoon, my lips were really, really dry when I woke up. Less fun... and doubly annoying because I actually went to bed earlier than normal last night. Well, before 11pm anyway...
Sunday was worse, I wasn't in bed until after midnight... then it caught up with me with a vengeance on Monday morning. The result of which is that I think I've probably been abusing Farmers Union Strong Iced Coffee a tiny wee bit this week. Actually, I've been doing that for a couple of weeks... one of the places on the way to work has it much cheaper than anywhere else, and it's very tempting...
I do know my limits though, especially because the last time I got seriously hooked on the stuff (about eight years ago) they didn't even HAVE the Strong variety... and I don't think I ever want to go through the withdrawal headache thing again. But that was because I was mainlining 1200-1800ml of caffeine a day and then suddenly stopped cold turkey. Really, really not doing that again, ever.
My sleep deprivedness isn't helped by the fact that we've got an outbreak of School Holidayitis at work, so it's all ground to something of a halt... that's one of the downsides to working where I've been working for the last eleventy hundred years... the place occasionally falls apart during School Holidays.
Thankfully, the oncoming lull in the teevee schedule should help me catch up on a bit of sleep... half of the stuff I watch (which isn't very much anyway) has already ended or is due to end... thank god for DVDs, that's all I can say...
Speaking of shows ending, damn Doctor Who finale on Sunday... I ended up as a sobbing mess again (yes, I realise the ongoing lameness of me, shut up), although not for the whole episode this time, only the last five or ten minutes (felt like longer though)... damn you Russell T Davis (also, thank you, and don't ever bloody stop). He does know how to craft a fine (if emotionally manipulative) piece of teevee writing. I knew there was a reason he was part of my Ultimate Fantasy Dinner Party...
On the flip side of that, I was kinda bored with the Dexter finale (which was the reason for not getting to bed until after midnight)... actually, after reading the Dexter books I found myself losing interest in the teevee show... which is a little disappointing.
Now, while I'm not usually one to link to out-of-context stuff for no good reason, I got sent a link to a 360° view of the Airbus 380 cockpit today at work... very impressive, both photographically and just from the sheer number of buttons and lights and levers and doodads in the cockpit...
Current Mood:

Thanks so much for mentioning summer rain. I have that damn song stuck in my head now!
Now as for this Farmers Union iced coffee thing, it'll kill you. You do know it has roughly double the amount of sugar as a normal iced coffee. If I were you I'd be dodging that shit quick smart, switch to Dare, much nicer plus a shit hot selection of flavours!
I'm so glad I can continue to full your head with song lyrics :)
I also have selective deafness when it comes to people talking about brands of Iced Coffee that aren't Farmers Union... also, I make that face like somebody suggested I should stick dead goldfish down my pants...
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