So, for no particular reason, other than it's a long weekend, today is the start of Daylight Savings, Ma is off in Melbourne doing whatever it is that Ma is doing in Melbourne and it was a really nice day today, I decided to take myself off to Marion for what turned into several hours of shopping...
And because it was Daylight Savings (which, really, I could care less about to be honest, although the extra four weeks at the other end of the Summer are a bit much) my body woke up at a fairly normal time for me... which was then an hour later than normal... so while I did everything I needed to do here at home, I perhaps did it all an hour later than I would otherwise have done it.
Does that make sense to anybody else? No, me either...
Ostensibly (I love that word) I went to Marion in search of appropriate sizes in the teeshirts I saw yesterday, but the short version is that I was, as I'm often heard to say "shit out of luck" (what does that mean anyway?)... it didn't even help when I stopped off at a second Big W on the way home... I think perhaps I found them at the end of their shelf-life, so there aren't many around.
What I ended up doing instead was wandering around and around and around Marion more times than I care to mention, and looking for something worthwhile to buy...
Naturally I looked at DVD's everywhere... and menswear... and men's underwear... and Wall-E toys (and if the smaller ones were better quality, or I could justify the price of the larger ones I would have bought something, but alas none of those things are true, so I didn't)... and perved on all the Suburbanite Hotties out and about on this fine day.
Of these many and varied categories, I came home with things in of three of the five categories...
I finally found a copy of Resident Evil (just the original one, I've been tripping over the newer ones for months, but nobody has had the first one), some Bonds Lo-rise Runner Trunks in eggplant with cyan trim (which I really didn't need, but I was having one of those "must buy interesting underwear" moods... which I can't really explain, it just happens sometimes) and some more black socks (which I also don't really need, except that the last ones I bought were kinda shitty) and some Brandy Snaps...
If I'd been able to shop from the Suburbanite Hottie section then who knows what I would have brought home... but the overly gay twinky boy serving at McDonalds would have been towards the top of the list... so very, very, very gay... and the BabyThug on the escalator with the tattoo on his neck and the bad attitude would have been next...
But mostly I just wandered about and looked at stuff, bought food I didn't really need to buy, scoped out boys, realised that I seem to have a thing for guys with big wide eyes (it's the docile Bambi thing probably), bought chicken shashliks for dinner tomorrow night and came home...
T'was a goodly day...
Current Mood:

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