
speedy shopping

little orange shopping dudeTalk about your shopping land speed records...

Ma is going away to Melbourne again tomorrow (*mutter* bitch *mutter*), and since Tuesday would have been our regular Movie Night, we decided that we should go and see something today instead (aided in a very timely fashion by the fact that the nice lady gave us a discount card thingy that lasts until Christmas the last time we were there)...

And because our chosen movie (Wall-E, review coming up right after this) was on at 9:30, we did something of a supersonic shopping trip.

Of course Ma got here a little earlier than usual, and we were out of my place within a couple of minutes, and got to the supermarket before it had officially opened. Fortunately I only needed a few things (I still have a cupboard full of bits and pieces, and working full time isn't inspiring me grand feats of culinary adventure) and we actually managed to whip around in around 15 minutes, which is close to unheard of when we're shopping together, and were back at my place by around 8:30, give or take, and make with the speedy unpacking...

Suffice to say, we made it to the movies well before the cinema even opened and we had enough time to swing past Big W to look at DVD's and pick up Iced Coffee to drink during the movie, and still made it back before anything really started.

Of course, it was a "kids" movie, during the school holidays, on a Saturday morning, so there were ankle biters there, but not too many fortunately... and although the kids in front of us were probably too young to even be in a cinema (if your kids can't sit still and watch something for more than five minutes, then wait until the DVD comes out, they're never going to remember the difference), they weren't too bad overall, even if the little one never sat still the whole movie... honestly, I was too engrossed to really pay that much attention to anything that was going on in the cinema... but more on that in my actual review...

After the movie we wandered back over to the shops just do to a bit of wandering. Initially I'd kind of wanted to hit Kmart at some point today, but I found the DVD I wanted in Big W, so there was no need for an extra trip. It turned into fairly useful wandering... I'd mentioned to Ma about wanting to get all of Asha Gill's Lonely Planet DVD's, and I knew that The Reject Shop had had them out quite cheaply... turns out doubly cheaply right at the moment... $3 an episode instead of $5... score. So they've hit the Christmas Vault...

I also found a cheap Universal remote... the volume control on my teevee is pretty much toast, and the channel changing buttons are starting to get a little squiffy, and at $8, even if it only lasts five minutes, it will be worth it.

Then we stopped off at one of those hippy dippy, New Age, Eastern Icons and Crystals type shops (we actually frequent this one a fair bit to be honest, but not lately), and I found yet another Ganesha... a really groovy one with big ears... and Ma snagged it for me for the Christmas Vault, and I did the same when she started looking at earrings. I also pointed out some "words" tchotchka (stuff like "Peace" and "Dream" and "Faith" and "Live" and whatnot done as freestanding little ornaments... she ended up grabbing the "Faith" and "Dream" ones) as an idea for her Bestest Gal Pal for Christmas... which is about the second year running that I've suggested presents for her BGP... I rock Christmas *wink*...

Next stop was Big W again... I sort of wanted to look at the Wall-E toys (not with any great intention of buying anything, just, you know, because) and Ma wanted to browse the clothing section... which meant that I went to wander through Menswear... which turned into an exercise in frustration... they had two different Transformers teeshirts (I'm wearing the original one I got from there earlier in the year today actually) and one with R2D2 on it... all pretty cool with that cool vintage feel about them... none of them in my size dammit... *grrrr*

Anyway, much wandering and timewasting and brief instances of looking at Wall-E toys was enjoyed by all, and then we moved on...

Our next stop was EzyDVD... just for a browse, but that's when things took a turn for the weird. On one of the first racks as we came in was one of the High School Musical movies (*rolls eyes*), and I was sharing with Ma the gossip I remember reading somewhere about the hat wearing boy character (I have no idea who he is, and I refuse to look it up)... and that the fact that he wears jaunty hats and hangs out with the "bad girl" (*more eye rolling*) is code for him being the gay character (and in any other movie than a Disney movie he actually would BE the gay character). Anyway, I did realise it, but one of the staff members was standing just on the other side of the display stand, and she kind of sidled up to me and asked me about the theory (in an "I'm really groovy, see look at my dyed black hair and overgenerous eye makeup, please share dirt about stuff" kind of way)... and we had this whole ironic conversation about the High School Musical movies and the concept of Jazz Hands and whatnot. She was scary, I want to keep her.

It did mean that we never really got further into the store than the first rack though... but I did see a special edition of The Breakfast Club on the same rack... and after Scary Girly's suggestion that I keep the new version and pass my current version on to somebody else, which automatically made me think about Princess T... who's just turned 15 (which is a whole scary conversation all on it's own, and I'm not going to think about it). So I think she's going to get regifted my version of TBC, and I'll have to come up with some letter to go along with it, complete with a crack about her mother still having 80's hair (bless her).

So after too much bonding with Scary Girly, we called it a shopping day and came back here, then hit Burger It down the street for luncheony goodness (I've been watching too many episodes of Buffy lately), before Ma called it a total day and went home to get ready for her trip tomorrow...

Which just leave me to try and work out what I'm going to do with the rest of the long weekend...

Current Mood:

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