
unwell yet shopping

food poisoning menuI'm not a well little bunny today...

I am, indeed, somewhat at the whim of my digestive tract. I bought some Tandoori chicken tenderloins for dinner last night (and to be honest, it makes me feel ill even thinking about them right now), and I think there was something wrong with them. I cooked them well enough, but I don't think I'll be going back to that store in a hurry, if at all. I haven't really got a stomach ache, but let's just say that I've had to make use of the bathroom facilities everywhere we've been...

Not pleasant!

And hopefully it will only last for 24 hours, otherwise I'll not be a happy yani...

It kind of put a crimp in our plans for the day... not that we really had "plans", although I was having a vague idea about maybe finally going off to fly my new kite... but, given my current delicate state, that could have ended badly.

In the end, after we'd done all the regular shopping (thankfully I made it through all of the food shopping without any trouble, it was only afterwards that it struck) and come back here for a while, we ended up going off to Target to buy way too many DVDs... waaaaaaay too many... damn sales...

After that we went up to Arndale and wandered around, mostly to find Ma some stuff for some casual day/Pirate dress-up thing she's having next week at work (I don't know either, and I'm not actually sure I want to know). We managed to find her a few nice bits and pieces cheap and I gave her a few things out of my jewellery collection, a skull ring, a couple of bracelets, one or two things she could hang off an earring, stuff like that.

So yeah, now I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening resting, probably watching too many DVDs and preying this stomach ache/food poisoning gets better...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Yuck! Get well soon! :)

Victor said...

I hope you are feeling better now.