
photo friday: tranquil

tranquil gardenI just felt the need for something slightly tranquil for today's Photo Friday... and what could be more tranquil than a photo from my visit to Sydney's Chinese Garden of Friendship...

And I have a bunch of random thoughts wandering around in my head, so we might just subtitle this post as "Dot Point Friday"...

  • One of the bonuses of working within a Web Development area is being about to sit and read information about blogging and wikis and Web 2.0 technology and Googling anything that doesn't seem familiar and getting thoroughly distracted by things online and then having sometimes long and involved discussions with the people you work with about it all... and it's still actually work!
  • I went into a store today that I swear I haven't stepped foot in for FOUR years (and if not that long, then certainly a very, very long time)... but the woman behind the counter remembered me and noticed that I'd lost weight since the last time she saw me... so obviously I am memorable!
  • Last night I stopped and spoke to one of the guys selling gym memberships for the gym that they're building in my supermarket "mini mall"... sadly they do the payment stuff week by week (perhaps to disguise the fact that a year's worth of membership is about $700)... if it had been a lump sum I might have considered it... there's nothing more convenient that having a gym within walking distance of home.
  • And I really need to get laid...
Current Mood:

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