The last couple of days have been a whole bunch of interesting... not good, not bad, just interesting...
I had a "moment" with the cute guy in the soup and salad store yesterday... he was serving this dotty old woman in front of me, and I happened to catch his eye, and he smiled at me, a smile that very clearly said "sorry about this, she's a crazy old broad really", I returned the smile... then we looked away from each other... then we happened to catch each other's eye again, smiles got bigger... away again, back again, bigger smiles... it got to the point where I actually had to look away from him purposely so I wouldn't bust into laughter...
Unfortunately after all that I didn't even get served by him...
To coin a phrase though, I'd so "hit that"... *grin*...
The perving opportunities continued this morning when we had a morning tea for one of the girlies on my floor... she'd invited folks from another floor, one of whom was the hotness... blonde scruffy hair and slightly unshaven but wearing a perfect dark suit... yummy...
My seeming love affair with Firefox continues... it's so much faster and easier than my go-slow IE has been of late... and I was downloading "art photos" (okay, porn) earlier and instead of the slow "two at a time" thing I've had to do for pretty much ever (I don't know why, but it wouldn't download more than two files from any one site at a time), I was downloading FIVE files at once... hallelujah!
Me likee very muchee!
It was a fairly slow day at work today... I spent a chunk of the morning rewriting (or correcting or updating, depending on how you want to look at it) the HTML code for my page of DVDs (sad and tragic but true)... making sure that it would work in Firefox... went and met with the nice folks who I'll be working with the week after next... did I mention that already? I already have as assignment lined up for the week after I finish where I am... then possibly there could be a week or so more with another group after that... back in the game baby!
Then for most of the afternoon I seemed to be attempting to do my own things but every time I started somebody would go "Oh, what do you think about this" or "Ahhh, could you help me with that" or "What are we doing about the other thing"... I mean seriously people... I'm there for ONE MORE WEEK... why the hell do you need my opinion about everything? And if you need my opinion so bad, give me a damn job...
I've also been fudging around with favicons again... since everything in Firefox seems to display icons in a way that IE never did... I made one for my DVD collection page... and re-added some code to the blog so my icon should show up again *fingers crossed*.
So, like I said... interesting...
Current Mood:

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