First off I had to have a bath in a bucket this morning... okay, maybe not a bucket and maybe not actually IN... but I am thankful that once upon a time, a very long time ago, when I was out on the town with Raury, we happened across a dumpster outside a restaurant that was undergoing renovations, and I found a giant metal cooking pot... a little busted, but it's been very useful ever since.
I put some water in it, fired up two burners on the stove and heated enough water to have myself a pseudo bucket bath.
Entertaining, but not something I want to repeat... unfortunately, it's an exercise I'm going to have to endure again tomorrow morning thanks to my useless landlord and the useless plumber he uses. Grrrr....
And this was all after I was woken up at 4:30am this morning by some combination of rain, wind and the banging of the metal hatch on the electricity junction box thing (which was possibly my own fault because I moved the hatch when I went out to try and restart my water heater)... I tried to ignore it until about 5am, when I got up and went and wedged the hatch closed...
Anyway... after all that... work!
It felt really weird to go in, but not go to the same floor that I've been going to for the last two months... I had my system down, and suddenly... no system. I even went in half an hour later, but there was nobody around when I got there (which won't be a problem from here on in, I'll be going in at 8 as usual, it just means I'll have more time to myself at work in the morning)... and I had some drama trying to log in and set up my email and whatnot... nothing major, just annoying quasi early morning, new place drama.
But getting back to my opening statement, I think I may end up mainlining sugar by Friday... it's not that it's annoying or anything, it's just that I haven't done this kinda thing in a while and the sugar may come in handy. I'm also pretty sure I'm going to be there until Friday at the minimum... it probably won't go longer than that, but I'd say it will take the rest of the week. Partially because I changed the information architecture of the site three times before lunch... but at least that's locked in now, and hopefully everything else will go smoothly.
With the advent of their "new" text editor system (new since the last time I worked on anything like this anyway) I'm actually less of a code monkey this time than I have been on previous occasions... if anything I'm more "cut and paste monkey"... but I'm not complaining, I don't mind it being easier (although I will admit that I did used to enjoy "hacking" the code).
And it seems like I'm going to be seeing more of the old crew than I expected this week... Sugarmonkey didn't bring in all of the graphic novels... and Rockchick still has one of my Pirate DVDs... so that's good, but weird...
But at least the adventure continues...
Current Mood:

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