
random betty hotness

A slightly atypical Random Hotness this week...

While I haven't been actively watching Ugly Betty, I do keep catching bits of it while flicking channels (and I'll admit, even though I wasn't in the room watching the teevee, it was what I had playing in the background last night), and it just so happens that my watching coincides with the appearance of David Blue as Cliff, the shlubtastic love interest for Michael Urie's totally over-the-top character of Marc.

I actually love that they chose David specifically, and the physical type in general (described as a "mid to late twenties, overweight, average-looking photographer"), as a love interest for Marc... however damn unlikely the match would be in real life, it was nice to see (the few bits of it that I did see that is)... particularly because David plays the character with such heart that you just want to snuggle his brains out...

Okay, maybe that's just me... but there's those big brown puppydog eyes, that cheeky and knowing little grin and, well, just EVERYTHING really... even if David is straight...

Plus, having read the interview he gave over at AfterElton.com, he just seems like an amazing guy... especially when he says things like "I would rather play this role than a straight man who is not nearly as interesting"...

just another day at the office...come here, i'll show you the real new york

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