
random skins hotness

Another televisual Random Hotness this week...

Back in April last year I posted a couple of shots of Alex Pettyfer... now it turns out that those particular shots were by photographer Kai Z Feng... who seems to have a thing about photographing attractive young men who also happen to be actors.

And one of those actors just happens to be Mitch Hewer who plays Maxxie in one of my favourite new British shows, Skins. Sadly he's only really been around as "supporting cast" so far, but as each of the characters seems to be getting an episode that is almost completely about them, his turn can't be far off.

I do know that there's some interesting action for the character ahead when they all go off on a school excursion to Russia, but I'm not saying any more... *grin*

In the meantime, I'll leave you with the blonde and cuteness that is Mitch Hewer...

mitch hewer by kai z fengmitch hewer by kai z feng

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1 comment:

Tom said...

Apparently he gets half an episode, sharing with Anwar the muslim chap. That way they can tick two diversity boxes at the one time.


Plenty of pausage required for that one I reckon!