Okay, a lot of the time...
This morning I was trying to tack down some more information about the street artist who was responsible for the geisha image down in Port Adelaide... I'd seen something about her on teevee, but it looks like the show in question could have been a really old repeat, and there wasn't anything on the website, or anywhere else online that I could find.
But in the process of widening my search to try and get some kind of results, I found a website by a fellow Adelaidite who also loves himself some street art (although he did tend to overintellectualise the whole thing), but he'd photographed one of Benzo's pieces, and in the comments section was a link to a Flickr page with even more of Benzo's work (the tribal heads up the top)... and on one of the photos (actually, in the comments section again) was the exact location of the piece.
So I already had half a plan to go and see J, and I figured, since the piece was more or less on the way down to his place, I might as well kill two birds with one stone. And kill I did...
I also ended up wading in cow shit... but I'm getting ahead of myself... plus I think it was really horse shit...
I found the spot no problem (although every single slow, stupid and useless driver seemed to be ahead of me on the way down there), and it was this bridge across part of the Torrens (but way out in suburbia)... quite a big bridge really, so I just picked a side and went to have a look and try and find the nice tribal faces.
What I got was a bridge with multiple pieces of art... and very muddy thongs and shoes.
The first piece was this BIG duck, kinda stylised but really cute, the opposite side of the bridge didn't have anything on it, the far side had an interesting (but possibly non-Benzo) piece, there was a huge piece (which is where the green soldier man comes from) along the wall on the far side, but of course, the tribal faces were on the far opposite side.
And then I realised that the bridge actually had five or six sections to it, and there could have been work in any of the sections... and while the water level was low enough that the river actually only ran through one section, the ground in several of the others was still essentially mud and grass, and I was only wearing thongs. And because of that, I not only ended up with mud all over my feet, but there actually weren't any other pieces in any of the other sections. I think there might have been at some point, because there was a lot of patches where things had been painted over, but I ended up with muddy feet for no good reason.
Then I decided I would go and wash my feet off in the river... biiiiiiig mistake... I should have just given up and gone back to the car, because I had to hike down the grassy area so I could actually get to the water, but of course once I found a place where I could, the mud around there was all soft and wet and icky and I just made the problem worse.
And as I went back to the car I realised that there were actually horses grazing further down the riverbank... the whole area was fenced off, they were wearing little horsey coats and doing whatever... so it's possible that not everything I stepped in was mud... ewwwww...
I just wiped off as much mud as I could on the grass, and by the time I got back to the car I was hot, sweaty and covered in mud from the ankles down. When I got to J's place I went around the outside of the house and washed my feet before I went inside.
But I was very happy that I found a whole ton of new Benzo art... and all of it was stuff I hadn't seen before... the soldiers, the tribal tikis... woohoo...
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