
australia day shopping

some australia day bootay‹sarcasm›Yaaaay! It's Australia Day!‹/sarcasm›

Actually, a lot like last week, or maybe even more so, today wasn't a whole bunch of much of anything really...

I mean, I know the title of the post is "Australia Day Shopping", but it could just as easily have been "Australia Day Wandering Around Not Doing Much Of Anything Really"...

Partly I'm all crankified because after sitting side on in one of the highly uncomfortable chairs in the airport yesterday, my back is all sore down one side. And back pain always makes for a less than chipper yani...

Add to that the fact that Ma had her Haircut Day today, so we got off to a late start. Which is fine (that she had her hair cut I mean), but it's been a rather warm day, so we didn't get to take off while it was still super cool...

Basically I'm just in a Big Sooky Lala mood really...

Add to which it's Australia Day today... big freakin whoop-di-doooo... although there were some quite cute boys out and about wearing items of clothing containing the Australian Flag, which, while it doesn't get me any more enthused about our "national day", doesn't hurt either...

So we fought our way through the seeming hordes of stupid, slow and otherwise annoying people in the supermarket (including the middle aged Asian man who seemed to be stocking a store or something... he bought every bottle of Iced Coffee Light they had, bar the one I managed to sneak out right under his nose, all the regular Iced Coffee, some strawberry milk, far too many bottles of cheap ass fizzy drink, several containers of lamingtons... actually, it's just twigged, he must have been buying stuff for an Australia Day party *slaps forehead*... never mind!)... and I did decide that I would give in just a tiny bit to the spirit of the day and get some "Aussie Burgers", which are essentially burger patties made in the shape of Australia (lame, I know, but they were cheaper than the non country shaped ones)...

Then after everything had been packed away we sort of stood around metaphorically poking each other in the eye trying to decide what the hell we should do next. Outdoor activities were out because it was too hot... plus, wherever we went was sure to be full of people doing Australia Day things, and neither of us could be bothered... so in the end we just got in my car (ahhhhh airconditioning) and drove. I ended up heading down to Marion, since it was a better option than any of the closer malls.

And all we did was wander around aimlessly for whatever indeterminate length of time it usually takes to wander through one of those malls...

We halfheartedly looked for a new pair of sunglasses for me... the ones I have, while they're still okay, have a scratch on one of the lenses and it's right in the middle, so I can kind of see it as this out of focus "smudge" on the lens. But alas, even though I tried on like twenty pairs in two different places, nothing jumped out at me and screamed "ME, PICK ME!"... so I'll keep looking.

I also wanted the second and third books that come after Twilight. I obviously picked the right book after my little whinge the other day, because, while it's atypical for a vampire story, it's VERY good... and I'm nearly two thirds of the way through and I still have no idea where the book is going to end up. But because the Universe obviously hates me today both books are completely and totally unavailable... seems that the print run has come to an end, and they're all waiting for the printers to make some more books. Grrrrr...

And I was also looking for a little storage box to go on my bedside table... but it can't be too huge and it has to be square. I did find a halfway decent one, but it was somewhat see-thru, so in the end I just put it back, because while the general style was right, it wasn't quite what I was after (I half had a thought I might use it to store condoms and lube).

So that was about it really... we wandered around, didn't buy a single thing... didn't even really come close in fact... even when we stopped off at Freedom and Orrifceworks and some crap sofa store on the way home.

That's my day really... other than the fact I'm going to have burgers for dinner. My life is just THAT exciting...

Oh, and I haven't forgotten my promise, I fully intend to be tucked up in bed by midnight...

Current Mood:

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