We didn't end up doing very much of anything productive really today. But there did seem to be a large number of homo orientated guys around for me to have a little pervy on while we weren't doing very much... so I guess it all kinda balanced out.
We started out doing the usual Supermarket Adventures... boring, but a necessary part of the Saturday routine... as is the Returning Home and Unpacking...
After all that was over though, we decided, mostly because a lack of anything more interesting to do, to go into the city, maybe wander around a bit, maybe go to the Art Gallery.
We ended up doing both... but neither one of them with much verve or gusto I have to say...
I'd originally wanted to go to the A Century in Focus photography exhibition, but like with all their exhibitions, entry was $10, which always seems a little steep to me... but then I am a tightwad...
So we kind of just wandered around the gallery somewhat aimlessly for a bit until we'd seem pretty much everything, then wandered off into town.
And then there was more wandering... much looking at stuff, and wandering... and that was about it really...
Then there was lunch... then we came back here.
So, yeah, not really a Red Letter Day...
Current Mood:

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