
naughty thoughts

who came first, the chicken or the egg?My brain has kind of been whirling around other thoughts connected with the whole "naughty bloke" thought process I mentioned the other day...

And part of it stretches all the way back to my concept of "everything happens for a reason"... not the post I wrote about it, but back when I was first introduced to the idea that we chose the lessons and obstacles that we need to address during this particular turn of the wheel.

As I've said previously, it was the woman I was working with at the time who said that to me... and it was really one of those things that's stayed with me ever since. And every now and again I'll pull it out of the bottom drawer of my brain, dust it off and think "Hmmmm... yes, well... that answers THAT now doesn't it" before putting it away again.

But part of what intrigues me about the whole concept is around my attitude to sex... but at the same time it's something of a "chicken and the egg" or Catch 22 situation.

Let me explain...

When it comes to pretty much anything of a sexual nature, provided all the parties involved freely consent to what's going on, I don't really have a problem with whatever you might want to get up to. You wanna dress up as a pony and let somebody ride you, fine... you like to be covered in food or mud or honey or shaving cream, just make sure you put some plastic down first... you wanna have sex with balloons, no problem... you get turned on by somebody missing a limb, go for it... you get all worked up over stuffed animals, more power to you. Of course I'm probably not going to join you for any of those... well, probably not more than once anyway, and only to see what all the fuss is about. And it shouldn't really come as a surprise to anybody who's been hanging around this blog for a while that I have no problem with the whole "tie me up and spank me" concept...

I will also quite happily hold my hand up to having a case of Odaxelagnia too...

And as far as one night stands or sex with anonymous strangers or just good healthy recreational sex is concerned... obviously no issues there either. Because wishing I was having more of it really isn't an issue, more a complaint.

But for the most part, if sex is on offer and the person offering conforms to some part of my concept of attractiveness (a concept so wide you could drive a bus through it), then I'll pretty much go for it.

So I pretty much made peace a long while back with the fact that there's a "slut" living inside my brain...

And that's where the chicken and the egg come in...

I've never been the "typical" body beautiful gay man... I am what I am, and for the last couple of years I've been making peace with that... but I'm never going to be Brad Pitt or [insert name of somebody that is you think is superhot]. But that's okay (well, not really... but we pretend like it is, because really, what else are you going to do)...

But I do sometimes wonder if I was The Hotness (or even The Far Above Averageness) whether my brain would still be wired this way... ie would I be an enormous slut in practice instead of in theory. And not only do I have no real answer for that, it's also one of those questions that's pretty much unanswerable. Because I am me, and I'm the sum total of all my thoughts and experiences in the world and the way I perceive things is coloured by the way I've been treated in the past, which in turn changes the way I perceive things... one big chicken and egg endless loop really...

It does make for an interesting thought though...

Does the physical cause the thought process... or is it some kind of tradeoff... did I "choose" this particular headspace to go with this physical makeup... like I knew that this was where my mental outlook was going to end up, so I chose the body to ensure I couldn't go too far off the rails.

Wouldn't that be a kick in the rubber parts!

Current Mood:


Sunshine said...

I really buy the beauty is in the eye of the beholder concept. To my way of thinking, he Super Hot just happens to be the type that more people like. In many ways, we are "program" to like that particular type because of the media, advertising, etc, but that doesn't disrupt the concept of natural attraction. Many a times, I think someone is cute while Sam doesn't and vice versa. The same goes with my friends. And I think that affirms my theory.

Tom said...

Crikey, that was, um, Educational! I had never heard of whatsalasagnia before but assumed it had something to do with pasta. Al Dente will never be the same again!

But yes, on a more serious note, what eddy said! :)

yani said...

As much as I appreciate your comments in general Sunshine, this time it just smacks of the "Never been rejected on the basis of your looks", or at the very worst "Been rejected far fewer times than you've been accepted". It's like trying to describe colours to a person blind since birth... you just can't wrap your brain around it. Also, the whole "hotness" thing wasn't actually the main point of the post.

But I appreciate the sentiment ;)

And Tom, trust me, I found a list that listed a fair number of fetishes, some of which I'd never even considered... so writing the post was equally educational. :)